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When to use firstname or username or both


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I’m a newbie, be gentle on me. Im following a tutorial series online and Im building a social network website.

I want my member to sign up with their first name, last name, etc…


Q. I’m confused when it comes time to use the firstname in my scripts and when to use username. I have firstname and username in myTable.


Example below…


<td align="right" class="alignRt"><div align="right">First Name:<span class="brightRed"> <span class="answerquestion">*</span></span>



<td align="left" class="alignleft"><input name="username" type="text" class="formFields" id="username" value="<?php print "$username"; ?>" size="32" maxlength="36" /></td>


Like algebra, its simple when you get it, I can not get it when it comes to this.


Thanks in advance, Scott

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I'm not sure if I understand the question...? When and where you use these are up to you. Use firstname when you want to refer to the user's first name (for example: "Scott"), and use username when you want to refer to their username (for example: "Scotty13").


Assuming your code sample refers to to columns in a table, it seems like you are placing the text input for the username next to the label that says "First Name", which would be confusing for users. Doesn't the tutorial you are following indicate when to use first name or username?

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