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Same website, new problem now that it is posted at its final destination


Chimney Rock Inn On the "Mountain View Gardens" page, the first picture at the top of the page refuses to show! (The "alt" statement shows up instead.)


Is there a mis-spelling I am not catching? Am I going nuts? Or am I just plain stupid?


Alfie (putting band-aids on his bruised noggin.)


I don't know this for a fact, but see if the '&' in your file name is causing a problem - rename the image file name (and the link) - and double-triple check oll your lower case - upper case spelling of both (golden rule, stick to one syntax and don't change things)


I don't know this for a fact, but see if the '&' in your file name is causing a problem - rename the image file name (and the link) - and double-triple check oll your lower case - upper case spelling of both (golden rule, stick to one syntax and don't change things)


That did it! Now I can really call you "Eagle Eye" and I can remove the band-aids!


Thanks so much!



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