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Form Validation


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I have recently started working on form validation in my class and have gotten stuck on a few things . The first one is I am unsure how to run a test for presses of the space bar. Here is what I have so far. When I put spaces in the text box it still validates and sends the form through. This are both sections taken out of a working function just these two things do not work.


if (document.forms[0].artistIdNumber.value.length == "        ") {
           alert("Artist Id cannot contain spaces.");
   return false;


Also I am having a problem testing for a positive number as well. The number needs to be greater than zero. Here is my code for that.


if (document.forms[0].productWeight < 0) {
       alert("Need to have a positive number");
       return false;

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Here's a very brief demonstration: (pulled primarily from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2031085/check-if-string-contains-characters-whitespaces-not-only-whitespaces


<script type="text/javascript">

function check_input()

if (document.form.test.value.match(/^\s+$/))
	alert("Artist Id cannot contain spaces.");


<form action="" method="post" name="form">
<input type="text" onblur="check_input()" name="test" />



Here's a different version of your if statement that will work for negative numbers and 0


if (document.forms[0].productWeight <= 0) {

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