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Adding Numbers


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This is a very basic question I need to find the sum of all numbers based on what the user inputs. For example if the user inputs 5 and 10 I need to come up with an answer of 45. 5 + 6 + 7 etc. all the way to and including 10.

I have a start to the statement but am unsure where to go from there. I am just starting to learn javascript, so if you need more information just let me know. Here is me code:


function exercise7Part2() {


var firstUserEnteredNumber;

var secondUserEnteredNumber;

var counter;

var userEnteredTotal;


//User Input

firstUserEnteredNumber = prompt("Enter a number: ");

secondUserEnteredNumber = prompt("Enter another number: ");



firstUserEnteredNumber = Number(firstUserEnteredNumber);

secondUserEnteredNumber = Number(secondUserEnteredNumber);

counter = firstUserEnteredNumber;



while (counter < secondUserEnteredNumber) {

document.write(counter + " + ");




document.write(secondUserEnteredNumber + " = " + userEnteredTotal);


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That worked perfect. I now have to do the same thing with multiplication in a for statement and can not get it to work. Here is the code I have so far. I basically copied everything from the one before but just changed it a little bit. Changing the += to a *= makes it work in the while loop. However in the for loop I can not get it to work. Thanks again for help with the first part.


function exercise8part2() {



var firstUserEnteredNumber;

var secondUserEnteredNumber;

var counter;

var userEnteredTotal;


//User Input

firstUserEnteredNumber = prompt("Enter a number: ");

secondUserEnteredNumber = prompt("Enter another number: ");



firstUserEnteredNumber = Number(firstUserEnteredNumber);

secondUserEnteredNumber = Number(secondUserEnteredNumber);



for (counter = firstUserEnteredNumber; counter < secondUserEnteredNumber; counter++) {

userEnteredTotal = firstUserEnteredNumber *= counter;

document.write(counter + " * ");



document.write(secondUserEnteredNumber + " = " + userEnteredTotal);


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A couple key things that may help:


-- keep in mind that since you are doing multiplication, userEnteredTotal needs to be set to 1 initially, rather than 0. (since 0 times x is always going to be 0.)


-- "firstUserEnteredNumber *= counter;" is the same as "firstUserEnteredNumber = firstUserEnteredNumber * counter;", so your line "userEnteredTotal = firstUserEnteredNumber *= counter;" actually could read "userEnteredTotal = firstUserEnteredNumber = firstUserEnteredNumber * counter;" which doesn't make much sense (too many = signs.)


Seems to me you'd want to set userEnteredTotal to 1 initially, and then something like "userEnteredTotal *= counter;"


-- Also, make sure to double check your math. Your for loop above skips multiplying by the final higher number (if you need to multiply 2*3*4, your for loop would skip the *4 part and leave you with incorrect results.) Watch for a similar issue in your exercise8part1() as well.

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