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jquery problem. .hasClas() issue


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Hi to all, I am trying to build from scratch an image cross fade slideshow but i stack ...


here is my html code


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
	<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="gallery.js"></script>
	<style type="text/css">
		#wrapper {
			width: 800px;
			height: 600px;
			margin: 0 auto;
			position: relative;

		#wrapper .images{
			position: absolute  
	<div id="wrapper">
		<div class="images" style="width:600px; height:400px;">
			<img src="image1.jpg" />

		<div class="images" style="width:600px; height:400px;">
			<img src="image2.jpg" />

		<div class="images" style="width:600px; height:400px;">
			<img src="image3.jpg" />



and here my jquery code gallery.js


$(document).ready(function() {
var counter = $("#wrapper div.images").length;
$("#wrapper .images:first").addClass('first');
$("#wrapper .images:last").addClass('last');
$("#wrapper .images:not(:first)").hide();

cur = $("#wrapper .images:first");



function Forward()
cur.fadeOut( 700 );
if ( cur.hasClass('class') == "last" )
	cur = $("#wrapper .images:first");
	cur = cur.next();
cur.fadeIn( 700 );


i add in the first div a class named "first" and in the last one a class named "last". So I check if the current div has a class "last" ake the cur variable point to the div with the class "first" in order to succed the slideshow effect. I will add buttos and stuff later...


I use the .hasClass() jquery function ofcourse to check the current class but it seems something is wrong,


Any advices??


Thanks nurds :D

Edited by dianikol85
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if ( cur.hasClass('last') )
   cur = $("#wrapper .images:first");
   cur = cur.next();
cur.fadeIn( 700 );




if ( cur.attr('class').indexOf("last") != -1 )
   cur = $("#wrapper .images:first");
   cur = cur.next();
cur.fadeIn( 700 );


.hasClass('className') function returns true or false only.

Edited by BeeDev
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