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New team player

Guest BillLee

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Guest BillLee

Hello to everyone that reads this posting. I'm new here to the site, that said, of course this is my first visit. I haven't yet built a site yet, but I'm raring to go. I had some classroom coursework that exposed me to some of most important lanugages. Now, I guess all I need to do is put them to use, which I haven't done, yet! Some of the basics I've been exposed to are; css, html, xhtml. xml and little php. I read alot, books and internet articles and I think I'm feeling alittle intimidated by it all. Anyway, here I go. I'm glad I have you all to help me along the way. Let me hear back from you of you, especailly those of you that haven't been at it long(er) or are even as new a me!

Thanks in advance for your help.



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