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Error, Solution, Error, Solution


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My goodness, baby steps seems the order of the day. One headache resolved, another waiting in the wings.


I have tried to confine my tables here but the text in them is running away and any images I add in the sidebar push the table down.


Please can someone tell me why this is happening..




EDIT:Actually 'needs must' and all I've just restarted copying and pasting into a new table as if I change the details in the propInspector or try dragging the borders nothing happens. Not even if I create a new class and try and apply it.


Stumped so going back to brass tacks.


Thanks anyway!

Edited by BGD
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Please read up on CSS Box Model and CSS Positioning:

http://ww w.brainjar.com/css/positioning/default.asp

This article has 5 pages and explains how Block and Inline elements flow within an HTML document.


For your issue's solution:

Inside the content, on one of the

tags there's a nowrap="nowrap" attribute set and it's stretching your whole table outside the 500px limit that you set. The corresponding TD tag is where: "David Hands, Director, Asset Services Product Management at DTCC Solutions" is. You need to completely remove this nowrap attribute.


Now you need to set a fixed width for #mainContent div and float that div right. Which will stack sidebar1 div and mainContent div side by side. You can set these both to float left as well and they will stack to the left wall. But sidebar1 div must be put AFTER mainContent div in the HTML structure to achieve this.


Finally don't forget to add: "#container{ overflow:auto; }" to your CSS, because your container div will not stretch unless this has been set because both divs inside it are floated.


Now you can put text inside sidebar1 div

Edited by BeeDev
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Thanks BeeDev,


I do indeed. various positioning errors along in this process meant I had to scrap many pages and start again as I wasn't sure what the cause of the error was..Heaven knows what I would have been like without DW and a couple of Dummies Guides (and some nudges from this forum).


I just didn't have the liberty this time due to my timeframes to do more than feel the way along.


I have bookmarked that page and after April 23rd (what my page is for) it will be top of the list.


Thanks again for the tips.

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