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Log In Student With Unique Id


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Good day Admins,


I have now variables






The learner_id and student_password are being used as their log in accounts. While the student_id is being used as their unique id and it is auto-incremented.


Here are my codes.



include 'Connect.php';
$flag = "";
$learner_id = $_POST['learner_id'];
$student_password =  $_POST['student_password'];
$query = "select last_login_date from student_information where learner_id='$learner_id' and student_password='$student_password'";
$result = mysql_query($query,$link_id);
if(mysql_error() != null){
if($date = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$lastdate = $date['last_login_date'];
$date2 = date("d-m-Y h:i A",strtotime($lastdate));
$_SESSION["user_id"] = $_POST["student_id"];
$_SESSION["lastlogin"] =$date2;
$_SESSION["type"] = "Student";
mysql_query("UPDATE student_information SET last_login_date=now() where student_id='$GET[id]'",$link_id);
if(mysql_error() != null){
header("location:  Student_Home.php?id={$student_id}"); 
$flag = "invalid";



This is so far what i've got and it's wrong. Help me to modify this gentlemen to achieve the objectives given above.

It directs me to URL



which i expect to be 


http://localhost/a/Student_Home.php?id=51             (51 is the auto-incremented student_id, bears unique id of student)

Edited by phpNOvice
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My problem is with the correct learner id and student password they cant directly enter to their Student_Home.php bearing the URL like



I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I understand the problem? If you provided them a URL to directly access their account, that would mean anyone else with the same URL would be able to access their account too? If you want to keep it secure, they will need to enter their username and password.

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Hello there Sir Ben,


Uhh Yes, they have to log in to their user account using their learner_id and student_password. 

Im sorry for that,


Here is my Student_login.php

<td width="35%" align="left" class="style7 style1">Learner Id : </td>
           <td width="65%" align="left"><input name="learner_id" type="text" id="learner_id" action="Student_Home.php" method="post"></td>
        <tr bgcolor="#E1E1E1" class="stylesmall">
           <td align="left" class="style7 style1">Password:</td>
           <td align="left"><input name="student_password" type="password" id="student_password"></td>
        <tr bgcolor="#E1E1E1">	
           <td colspan="2" align="center"> 
		     <?php if(!empty($_GET['flag']) && $_GET['flag'] == "invalid") { ?>
             <span class="stylered style1">Invalid Learner Id or Password</span>
			 <?php }?></td>
        <tr bgcolor="#E1E1E1">
           <td colspan="2" align="center">
		        <p><input name="login" class="style10" type="submit" id="login" value="Login"></p> 

I have updated my previous comment because from time to time i am also working with these codes with your guidance.

Edited by phpNOvice
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