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Web NOOB Designer looking for a MENTOR


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I am very new to web design and i need someone that might be able to help me out. I am very interested in figuring out how things work but going it alone i don't know if i can wrap my mind around all of it. I have taken on the challenges by starting on one subject and sticking with it until i feel comfortable moving on to another topic. Using this approach is fine but having someone that you can bounce ideas off of is what i think i need. I am really artistic i want to make 2 basic websites.


The first one is a small business website. Not really a lot of products. I want it to be more of business/community type of a website.


The other website i want to make is a review website. I have a lot of different things that i would love to review.


If anyone is intersted in taking me on as a student please message me or leave your message here on how i can contact you.



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Seems to me that this forum would pretty much do what you need. You will not have any ONE tutor, but rather quite a number of experts at your beck and call.


I do not believe any one associated with this forum would be interested in being your personal tutor, but by all means check out Stephan Mishook's tutorials within this website.

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Thank you for your post it was quite helpful i looked up the tutorials that you mentioned and i am starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I lost my job recently making what once was my hobby my permanent job. What can i say the U.S. economy is hurting. I have been searching for a job for the last 2 months. I am happy that i set a bit of cash back for a situation like this. Sorry to ramble on about the boo hoo's of my life and back to the subject.


I am having a lot of problems with my website. I downloaded the wordpress off of godaddy.com and installed it to my website. But i know little about server side applications such as how to do a user registration or how to start a forum for that matter. I will do some more research about that but does anyone have any suggestions in how to make my website more user friendly as far as a blog which ppl can reply to or a forums? I sell things on my website so i would like to have a user registration that allows them to register with their name, address, and on the same page enter their paypal information and shpping addresses. That way when they sign in they can go to my site and place their orders and it is all taken care of in one.


My other website i don't know which would be the best way to go with that. As far as review pages i would like to be able to put reviews up for a lot of products that i have but which type of website would work the best for something like that? I see cnet and how professional their site looks and then i see others that have a review site that is more user friendly and more interactive. So any suggestions would be welcomed.



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In regards to your web store... This depends on how you have Wordpress set up, and how you are selling things... The Wordpress e-commerce plugin (http://www.instinct.co.nz/e-commerce/ -- free) does support users creating accounts when purchasing items. I don't know a huge amount about it, but it might be something to look into and possibly install.


My other website i don't know which would be the best way to go with that. As far as review pages i would like to be able to put reviews up for a lot of products that i have but which type of website would work the best for something like that? I see cnet and how professional their site looks and then i see others that have a review site that is more user friendly and more interactive. So any suggestions would be welcomed.

I don't see why a Wordpress based site wouldn't work for something like that... Basically, you're looking at a blog site, where each review gets its own individual blog post.

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