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Running in Circles


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Good afternoon K.S,

As you may or may not know - I am new to the world of design and development. As some of you may know - I may post simple or basic questions. I feel like I am running around in circles or trying to rush to quickly, and am looking for a little direction, and no better place to come for guidance than Killer Sites.


I started learning web design and development at the end of last year. I know basics of CSS , HTML and XHTML. I am self taught at W3 Schools for CSS, HTML and XHTML, and as we know there is much more to design and development than the above mentioned. I recently was given a great gift from my father: CS4 Web Premium . There are great tutorials on Adobe TV etc., and between that, K.S, Smashing Mag, Site Point, About.com etc, I am learning along the way. However, I jump from Flash (30 days of studying) to DW, to Photoshop, to design tips and go back and forth, and feel I have no direction at all. While schooling is probably the best bet, do you have a schedule, or recommended route to go? I hear that I should learn a new program every 90 days, does this seem right? What guidance support could you provide me with what to start on next, then after that etc.


As always, I thank each of you for your support and quick reputable answers. I promise, I will soon also assist in answering questions as opposed to always asking them.


On a last note - I am currently working a project (big) that I am expecting to be well known on the internet. I can assure you once launched, Killer Sites will be mentioned and linked (if ok from Stefan). I will also be more than happy to provide your websites (Moderators) as well. For what you guys have assisted me with through these tough times, I will definately want to put your names out there (I will have a seperate page for web design / development)


Thank you again!


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While schooling is probably the best bet, do you have a schedule, or recommended route to go? I hear that I should learn a new program every 90 days, does this seem right? What guidance support could you provide me with what to start on next, then after that etc.


I usually suggest learning how to hand code HTML and CSS (without Dreamweaver's help at first), then Dreamweaver, and then some basic Photoshop so you can create the graphics your site will use. Once you have those basics down, maybe then look at more advanced topics like Flash or PHP. Tips and tricks will also probably be only useful once you have the basics of HTML and CSS down.


How fast you learn new languages/programs depends on how fast you learn, how difficult the program/language is and how much time you can put into it. I wouldn't worry about following a specific schedule... you'll just have to figure out what works best for you.

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Learn the skills in demand first. I don't mean market wise but for what it requires you to get your job done. Flash is one thing I like to learn but the demand is not there for me to learn it because I have a little more than enough to do what I am doing now. So, I basically outsource what little flash work to another coder. I know just enough to make some tweeks but that's about it.


I agree with Ben that you should master the skills of hand coding HTML/CSS first. Get at least the basics for Photoshop (or whatever graphic editor you use). I have one designer I use that started out doing HTML/CSS/PHP but then he later learned Photoshop in which he became quite masterful as well as having a great eye for graphical design. Since then his main focus is graphic design whereas HTML/CSS/PHP are secondary tools that he rarely uses.


My skillset is HTML and CSS first, Photoshop next, PHP, ASP and JS thereafter. I want to master PHP and ASP next but with the work load I have, I just don't have time for it which is why I outsource it.


So in saying, you will need to determine what your demands are and satisfy them first. If you got the time, then you can learn as many of them as you can but you will never master all of them.


You can have a PhD in medicine but that doesn't mean you can know it all muchless do it.

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