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navi bar in ie is different than firefox


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Are we working yet? this it to be centered


Short Blurb goes here main text goes to left navi holder or top buttons












Short Blurb goes here main text goes to left navi holder or top buttons











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Try adding a


* { margin: 0; padding: 0;} to the top of your stylesheet to bypass any browser-specific margins and padding - but overall, you're code is downright scary-looking and a huge mess. Tables should be used for tabular data, not layout, you have a title tag inside your body tag, a huge external stylesheet PLUS internal and inline styling. I'd start over, with nice, clean HTML, div for layout, and only ONE external stylesheet.

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ok i have no idea why i had the other title there. must be going crazy when doing the web page. ill try to combine some of my css and make only one css file. I know when i was taught you had to have a main one then a secondary one for the individual pages so i will change that.


with the tables i am slowly learning to layout with div and spans with a css guide.

The thing is the code is so bad because i haven't done it for a few years and i am getting ready to go back to school for it. so i am trying to brush up on things to not get killed in class.

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...with the tables i am slowly learning to layout with div and spans with a css guide.

The thing is the code is so bad because i haven't done it for a few years and i am getting ready to go back to school for it. so i am trying to brush up on things to not get killed in class.

The best way to do that would be to read or watch a few beginner's tutorials - Stef has excellent ones, and then try to build a site using the new skills.
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