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Help with loops and exporting


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hello, I am trying to write a script that will allow me to export a loop onto a text file.

The script seems to work fine but it doesn't want to export the loop itself.


what happens is that it exports 2 numbers and not the whole 10 numbers that i want......


does anyone know how i can fix this??



//============WRITE THE FILES===================


$zero = 0;

//my prefix

$prefix = "123456789";



$myFile = $prefix . "-0000-0249" . ".txt";

$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");

$stringData = $prefix . $zero . "000" . "\r\n";

fwrite($fh, $stringData);


$stringData = $prefix . "000" . ++$count . "\r\n";


fwrite($fh, $stringData);



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The basic error was solved by moving the fwrite inside the while loop.

Echos to the screen for debugging purposes.

Check the comments re: $count


Also, set permissions for the file to be written to


//============WRITE THE FILES===================
$zero = 0;
//my prefix
$prefix = "123456789";

$myFile = $prefix . "-0000-0249" . ".txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $prefix . $zero . "000" . "\r\n";
fwrite($fh, $stringData);

echo '' . $myFile . '
Should contain:';  // debug echo

$count = 0; // adjust to suit - good programming suggests setting the value before using it

while($count$stringData = $prefix . "000" . $count++ . "\r\n";

// $count++ and ++$count are different - check the results using each
// ++$count adds 1 before using the value
// $count++ adds 1 after using the value

echo $stringData . '
';  // debug echo

fwrite($fh, $stringData); // notice that the fwrite is now inside the while loop???

} // end while loop

Edited by jlhaslip
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Or you can also just include a dot in front of the equal sign on your original code. Result would be the same :D


$stringData .= $prefix . "000" . ++$count . "\r\n"; //Notice the . (dot) in front of the equal sign


.= is basically a shortcut. In your case it just means:


$stringData = $stringData . $prefix ..... and so on


So $stringData get a new value ADDED to it, instead of taking a new value on each iteration.

And instead of writing to a file everytime in the loop, it would be better for performance if your code wrote to a file only ONCE at the end of the loop. :)

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