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Found 5 results

  1. At the moment I have completed the html5, and css3 courses. Can I begin to work on my personal website/resume or should I complete a couple more courses? If you feel I am ready is there any way someone can give me an example of what that site should look like?
  2. Hello everybody! My name is Javier, I moved to the US in my 30's as many immigrants with no money, no english and no family, twenty years later I'm ready to start my new adventure, web development! I have no skills in coding (very basic). I know I will find a lot of knowledge in these forums. Since I was in high school I wanted to work with computers, but never have a chance until now, I love play the guitar and I have an obsession with dominate the Vim text editor (is a personal challenge). My goal is to became a full-stack developer I'm interested in learning HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Python, and some frameworks in the future. Thank you, and let's start it ! (well, I'm waiting for my e-mail to start the classes, I just bought it)
  3. zaeemali


    HI there i am new here. i hope i will find some good and more interesting topics here.
  4. Hi there not sure this is worth even mentioning it.... but here it goes... being a newbie and just started learning html css and javascript.... now learning how to master wordpress seems a step backwards since not coding is needed... just sharing the feeling... so now i've decided i'm deep into php dev and wp dev in order to take advantage of my earlier studies and keep learning and using full stack skills... the only to escape is forward into development of wp does this make any sense to you?
  5. I have an education website that I have build the last 5 months. I have really tried to add a lot of content and free lessons for teachers and educators. I feel like I have worked hours and hours and I am only seeing 30 - 50 visits a day and that is only if I am sending out 15 or so tweets, 5-6 Google plus posts. I guess I feel like I may feel like I am over posting the same things, no one has complained but I'm not sure if i'm going about it the best way. I am just looking for any advice on the best practices for getting traffic. I hear somewhere that it takes a good 8 months for you to really get a webpage going. Do I just need to be persistent? Or do I need to work on using the social media better.
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