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Everything posted by grabenair

  1. On my website I wanted my banner to go all the way across the page, I figured out how to that. My problem is that when I view it on a screen that you have to scroll left and right the right side does not go all the way across.
  2. the web site is http://www.freewebdesigningreference.com Thank you Andra
  3. What I do is leave the height blank then the box will grow to fit the content. Or put in my content then adjust the height to match. Your wrapper div may also be folding up to stop this put a empty span tag just before the closing div tag.<span></span> this works for me.
  4. I made a ul for my vertical links and when I click on them a outline of the box appears around them. I can not get rid of it. This is my first try at vertical links using this method. Here is my code. /*colors used background #fff-white banner #0033ff-blue content #E9E9E9-light gray h1,h2 #03F- light blue */ body { background-color:#FFF; background-image: url(../img/webDesignBackground.png); margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-attachment: fixed; } #banner { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 120px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(../img/header_robert.png); background-color: #0033FF; background-position: center center; } #wrapper { width: 960px; margin-top: 50px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } #content { background-color: #E9E9E9; text-align: left; width: 550px; margin-left: 215px; border: thick double #666; padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; } #leftSidebsr { float: left; width: 160px; margin: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 5px; } #rightSidebar { width: 127px; float: right; } .h1 { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 1.3em; color: #03F; text-align: center; text-transform: capitalize; } .h2 { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-align: center; color: #03F; font-size: 1em; text-transform: capitalize; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0px; float: left; margin: 0px; } li { list-style-type: none; background-position: left top; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } ul li a { color: #FFF; background-image: url(../img/pixiRollOver.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left bottom; height: 25px; display: block; width: 145px; text-align: center; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-transform: capitalize; font-size: 1.3em; text-decoration: none; padding: 0px; margin-bottom: .10em; } ul li a:hover { background-image: url(../img/pixiRollOver.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right bottom; } /*ul li a:active { color: #000; }*/ I commented out the ul li a:active because the black shows up. With white it is not as noticeable but you can still see it. I made my links rounded this also helps it disappear. What you see when you click on the link is a dished box. Do not know if this will help but this is the rest of the code from a page. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>HOME</title> <link href=",css/mainCss.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div id="banner"></div> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="rightSidebar"><a href= "http://secure.hostgator.com/~affiliat/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=grabenair-"> <img src= "http://tracking.hostgator.com/img/WordPress_Hosting/125x125-animated.gif" border="0" ></a></div> <div id="leftSidebsr"><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/left_sidebar_links.lbi" --> <ul> <li><a href="index.htm"class="rounded">home</a></li> <li><a href="contact_me.htm"class="rounded">contact me</a></li> <li><a href="roll_overs.htm"class="rounded">roll overs</a></li> <li><a href="css_styles.htm"class="rounded">css styles</a></li> <li><a href="links.htm"class="rounded">links</a></li> </ul> <!-- #EndLibraryItem --></div> <div class="rounded" id="content"><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/up dated date.lbi" --><p>Last updated: march 8th, 20011</p><!-- #EndLibraryItem --><p> </p> <h1 class="h1">Introduction</h1> <p>Hello, my name is Robert Bonner, I am a web designer. I am now studying to become a developer. I will be honest and tell you that I have been web designing only about 18 months . I went to college to get my degree in networking, I took a class in web designing for a filler class, I found that I liked it better. When I was supposed to be studying for my networking classes I would be writing code for a fictious web site trying to make it work. I finely decided to quit networking and spend my time on web designing.</p> <p>On a friends advice I started this reference site as a please to put code blocks and how to stuff, for a personal reference. That way as I learned more and more I would find it useful, as I would find that I will be using code over.</p> <h1 class="h1">Why I built this site</h1> <p>This web site is not meant to be a tutorial, it is a place for me to have files that I have done web designing, basically an on line file cabinet. It is solely a place for me to look up code blocks and any other information that I might use in my web site building. I built this site organized in a manner that I can remember where I put it.This way I can do less research and more web site building. With this in my work flow my site building has speeded up considerably. When I started I could have used a site like this. I would also suggest that you build yourself a site for your stuff, you will find it handy.</p> <p>As this is not a tutorial per say, I do not include basic things like how to copy and past or how to set up your ftp. I just have simple instructions on how to. If you are a beginner you might get lost in some of the things that I put in this site, simply because I might leave a step or two out. But not to worry I will be glad to help you out if I can. Feel free to contact me, I check my email very often, I will get back to you on the same day that you email me.</p> <p>I use DreamWeaver CS4 as a text editor, but there are plenty of free ones out there, I am going to suggest Komodo Edit. A lot if not most of the things I put in here is working with the Dream Weaver interface, although I will always put the code along with the how to.</p> <p>Well as you can tell I am not a writer so I am going to stop now.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
  5. Thanks for the advice, I did not know that you code use hyphens Thank you
  6. I used this link www.visibilityinherit.com/tools.php from Eric
  7. This is how I center my page: #wrapper { width: 960px; margin-top: 20px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } I put all of my content links,main content ect. inside of the wripper div and use this css to center it in the browser window. The centering part is the margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; I hope this helps.
  8. I use fixed width. Thank you for the links. I found the css code for rounding corners. I did not even know that you could do that. It works great. I will use that from now on. There is a way in DW and fireworks to do this. I remember in DW that it was just a couple of clicks. But I like your way better. And thank you again.
  9. I noticed that looking through the topics that some of the code is all lower case when there is more than one word in your code and you can not have any white space. Here is standard coding practice, camel casing or underscore. Camel casing is making your next word start with a uppercase. Like this theDogIsWet or with under score the_dog_is_wet. You can use either but I would suggest that you pick one and stick with it, it is personnel preference. You will find that it will not take long using one of these that you will be doing this without thinking about it.
  10. Here is a little trick for making you code easier to read. When you have have more then one word in code and can not have any white space, try camel casing. Camel casing is making your next word start with upper case like goodMorning. Also you can use the underscore like this good_morning. This is standard coding convention. But I would suggest picking one and sticking with it.
  11. Hello, I am having a brain fart. I can not remember how to round corners on a border in DW or Fireworks. I want to round the corners on my border. Also I think I remember that I read somewhere that you can do it in fireworks also.
  12. I would use disjointed rollovers with the img pre loading. I found that this method loads fairly quickly. This is also easy to learn there are not that many steps. For a example of this method check out roxanesmarine.com, You can also make a larger img appear when you roll over instead of the way that I did the layout if you had more imgs on your page.You may use php for a photo layout which works well also. But personally if you are using DW I would use the disjointed method. As far as the max amount of data for your page, for a photo layout I would make one page and up load it to my server and test it, then go from there. But remember people are going to expect photos to up load a little slower as long as it does not take to long. That is where the pre load helps.
  13. Also when I first started sometimes there would be an extra .htm on the end of the file like this index.htm.htm
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