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Everything posted by nathanchilds

  1. i could be wrong but it seems like by the sounds of it it is trying to find the index html file but it is in another directory you need to point out to the browser where to find the html file I could be wrong as im new to this myself just a thought mate
  2. ok i went out on my own trying new things i found and well yeah everything looks good and all lines up on my computer then i go and upload it in a directory on another website and its all looking good so i go and look on my mums computer and the top logo does not go all the way to the end of center doc my google ads on the side seemed to have gotten closer to the bottom of the nav text i have put also i have added another promotion i have on the bottom of the home page which is supposed to be right under the last header , it sits way under where it should but i dont know what to do as it all looks right on mine can any one have a look at what i have please as i have things all over the place trying to find sollutions thanks first the site is found at, http://www.weightlosslive.biz/website and the css if you need to find it is, p { width: 100%; color: black; background: lime; font-size: 20px; } h1 { border-top:3px dashed #0000FF; width: 100%; color: #000080; } h2 { border-top:3px dashed #0000FF; width: 100%; color: #000080; background: lime; } h3 { border-top:3px dashed #0000FF; width: 100%; color: #000080; background: lime; } .italic { background: lime; color: black; width: 100%; font-size: 20px; } #navigation { font-size: 19px; position: absolute; width: 195px; top: 80px; left: 8px; background: #000000; color: #0000FF; } #navText { color: #FFFFFF; background: #000000; } #nav_Text { color: #FFFFFF; background: #000000; } #navNote { color: red; background: #000000; border-top:0px dashed #FFFAF0; font-size: 18px; } #centerDoc { position: absolute; left: 205px; top: 80px; right: 45px; padding: 50px 0 20px 0px /*top right bottom left*/; background: lime; } h4 { color: black; } #change { background: lime; } li { border-bottom: 2px solid #FFFAF0; color: yellow; } #product { top: 80px; } .tags { color: black; border-bottom: 0px solid #FFFAF0; left: 20px; right: 20px; } #squeezePage { position: absolute; left: 205px; top: 2300px; right: 45px; padding: 50px 0 20px 0px /*top right bottom left*/; background: #DCDCDC; } #sideGoogle { position: absolute; width: 195px; top: 945px; left: 8px; background: #DCDCDC; } also for some strange reason i have all this other stuff at the top of my css page but when i take it off it don't work. Noone else i see seems to have it please look into it and let me know what your thoughts on it are also if you do notmind thank you (weird stuff top of css) {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 p\{\par width: 80%;\par \par \}\par } thanks, nathan
  3. ohhh you are a legend mate thank you soo much this was holding me back on what i wanted to know as i said in the last post it's the little things that count cheers dude....:lol:
  4. oh cool i see what you are both saying now \, sweet cheers for that as it's the little things that count you spend so much time trying to figure things out and your head starts to ache lol well mine does at times i like to think i can work things out on my own but truth is half the time it just don't work that way any how thanks again
  5. please i could be wrong as i am new but i think i repeat i THINK where you have "float: left" i think you can go say float: left 5px; float right 5px; just try that and see if it works if not i can't help you im new too this all too mate but that seems to make sense to me..sorry i can't help you any further.
  6. oh ok cool i kinda know what you mean now so a dynamic page would take longer to load and much more information is needed to get it to work where a static page is more direct straight to the point kind of thing as it is transferred straight to the browser... Correct?
  7. awesome thank you virtual i will take a look into it now, i am having another problem i want to write out a few common tags but i want them to show up in my page with the actual tag shown so i can say ok this tag is this and does that if you know what i mean? Hope so. thank you
  8. What's the difference between static pages and dynamic pages?? And what Is a dynamic page and what is a static page?? sorry just got me really curious....
  9. Ok i would like people to be able to see my menu/ landing page, but i want to block off every other page but say maybe 2 or 3 which they can browse for free. Then the rest is so they have to sign in and then they are in like lets say "members area" which there they can download some things i have for them or they can view what i have for "members only" can any one detail out how i would do this? It would be much appreciated as i am killing my brain trying to work this out. Kind Regards, Nathan
  10. oohhhh ok cool awesome thanks mate i was really concerned about that and glad you could help me on that one....
  11. thanks lsw much appreciated and yes i reconsidered i did only have black and blue spray paint but i see what you are saying and i think i will look for something else cheers...
  12. also here is the hyper link tag to copy and paste if how you typed out your css file is the same as how it is in your directories then you should be right and also make sure you have your pages correct so they all link up and remember if you have your css in another directory from where your page is you want css to be displayed with you have to make sure you have the level side of things set right if all of your pages are on the same level then of course ignore what i just said and just copy and past this into your page where your old one is and it should be right,
  13. id strongly suggest looking over the code as it seems to be my problem everytime it is not the program you are using i would highly doubt it i would deffinately consider overlooking the code a few more times and make sure you close every rule you make in css i forgot to close just one and nothing worked but i soon seen the problem after several smokes and a few paces around my loungeroom lol also just make a header tag (example) Title in here just to run a quick test, just copy and paste from here so you do it right then apply the css to just that type of header then in css make the rule as i show you, h2 { border-top:2px solid black; color: red; } and make sure you save then go and have a look and see if that made any change, you should have a border above the Header and the header its self should be red fingers crossed if that don't work your just going to have to copy and paste your code for someone to have a look at it for you...
  14. ok i have searched everywhere to learn how to put in a background and i cant find it anywhere i want to put in a full background of something i made using paint but i dont know how to do it and i do not want to wreck what i have so far thank you..
  15. Just while im on here i was also wondering would anyone know how to list sub-domains
  16. ohh and i just noticed that when i mouse over the image where i done the alt tag in the index to show up the text well it does not show up either only the text of what i want it to say as the image???
  17. ok when i try to upload my photos to the net they won't come up, now to make this much easier for yourself to see what i have i and what is happening i have uploaded it to one of my other websites (nothing special either of them but still...lol) so can you please have a look what is happening is it appears when i load it up with mozzilla firefox but when i launch it in I.E it won't show up just the box with a red x on it and now i loaded it up on to my server it only shows what you see and also i would like to know how to make my whole background the lime colour or even black how do i do that???? Ok i have also uploaded the css file with it the whole site is loaded up so you can click through the links if you like, http://www.weightlosslive.biz/personal that will get you to the home page then go, http://www.weightlosslive.biz/personal/root.css thank you...
  18. oohhhh crap!! Sorry i done it to you all again, i played around with dreamweaver and i had to put the page view in design mode not code i suppose this could be a pointer for other users in the future that read this post, Unless it gets deleted of course lol Any how thank you p.s i keep posting up as i just don't want to do the wrong thing then i wreck everything but then curiosity gets the better of me and i start playing around and all of a sudden i solve my problem so i think in the future i will play around with things first, i mean it aint like i am not mingling with expert web designers here lmao..
  19. :/ Ok the problem i am having is Stefan in his tutorial on "dreamweaver mx 2004" the second last video, ok he goes to put in the left hand navigation by selecting the layout tab then he clicks the tab "draw layer" well when i go there the option is faded out could this be because i only have a trial version or is something not correct?? The only thing i have done was take the start up thing off and opened up my file i want to use then i started a new file then went to do this other option i was just explaining and yeah i can't do it Does anyone have an answer to this?? Thank You.
  20. oops all good i found the problem if you have a look i forgot to close the h3 css rule mad !!!
  21. Hi peepz sorry about not giving you all the info needed i have worked it out where i had to write the tag meta name so and so and it says stylesheet i missed the ( e ) in style, but what i also done was when i opened up css after i first saved it to desk top i opened it up and there was text at the top a heap of code and i thought oh crap maybe i delete that well when i got to it i had forgot that i deleted that text so wen i started again i picked up on this while comparing to each other so i know it might be frustrating for you pro's but seriously every bit of info you guys give out makes me goo ooohhhhhhh yeahhh lmao so i thank you all and i will try not to annoy you all too much now the problem i am having is still with css but it is with the class now i will copy and paste up what i have so far and maybe you can tell me why it will not change to italic thanks, CSS, p { width: 80%; color: black; background: lime; } h2 { border-top:3px dashed black; width: 80%; color: red; } h3 { width: 80%; color: red .italic { font-style: italic; } and my index page, What Can We Do For You? Onlinepersonalwebsite.com can do several things for your website, Starting from building you a basic simple easy to use fast navigation style website for Either Business Or Personal use: What Else Do We Do? lol mind my pitch please lmao.....
  22. ok this is weird i have got my pic to work in firefox now it wont work on i.e and also my css is not working properly when i put in p { width: 80;} ok yeah the first time it never went how it should have then i done something and now it went to 80% but when i try to put in something else like 90% or 70% nothing happens and when i try to make text a color nothng happins i even hit ctrl f5 and still nothing oh yeah and with the width again i even took the whole width part away and pressed refresh and it never even done anything this is strange......
  23. awesome i worked it out and i have it on all pages and shows up when clicking page to page thank you
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