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Everything posted by sarah

  1. sarah


    One thing I never seem to find are the controls for the magic-selection-tools and that kind of stuff. Or does it not exist such thing in the GIMP?
  2. So, I could center the page, but so far only tested it in IE7 and Firefox. I waved goodbye to the validation-images and was hiding the counter. When I have a bit more time I will overwork the gallery. Greetings Sarah
  3. Thank you, that is a real treasure! Things start to make sense now!
  4. Well, I have IE6 and IE7 running over WINE on my Linux machine. But it always seems to make everything else work slow and blocks after a while. So it is just for emergencies. So there are Linux Versions for everything not-IE? Good to know, I will have a look for them.
  5. Well, that must be the beginner's excitement of being able to create valid code... and seriously, the idea to remove my little validation boxes of pride causes me almost as much pain as the thought of to stop smoking... but then, you are right, they do not add anything to the page. After being enlightened about the real function of positioning in another thread, I might even be able to get the centering done. jlhaslip: Thats a beautiful thing, that Hoverbox. Much prettier to have it in a neat box and not spread all over like mine. Just would like bigger hover-on images than the ones in the example and some margin between the small ones but for that I will have to get into zooming images and image-sizes in general, stuff I do not understand yet. Then I will go for it, leaving my family without dinner for a couple of days more. (Why don't they feed on code, like me... ) Thank you all for making me learn more!
  6. Thank you so much !!! This solves not only the problem of this page but of my other one, too. I still did not understand 100% how positioning works but I was already suspicious it could be done this way. I guess I tried it once, made something wrong and then concluded that the whole idea was not working. So I can have a fresh start and put things in place. I really had my brain blocked on that one, thanks again.
  7. Well, first of all thank you very much. I must say I am fairly proud of that gallery. First I had one done with an adobe template, but it was a bit different from the rest so I was working on creating my own gallery. Where do I find that Hoverbox Gallery code? If there is anything already done, I could change that position of the big images. It is not perfect. but if I get into experimental coding again on more than one page at a time my family kills me... And the php-script sounds interesting. What exactly does it do? I would be glad to be able to add pictures more easily as I will have to improve the image section soon, some of the photos really suck. Well and about the mistakes I will just prefer to believe the Firefox tidy, not W3C for now and leave things as they are. Greetings, Sarah
  8. Oh. But if they work, why use real browsers?
  9. ... what you like/dislike about the design of this page, and the way it is built. w ww.artemo saic.com It is my first page, I learned HTML and CSS from scratch to do it. But I am not here for "Oh how nice!" I work hard for things and if I realize they are crap I work harder until they are not - or at least I learn to do the next one better. Otherwise I would not want to start a thing. Things I don't like myself: Should be all centered. But as I was glueing everything in its place with position:absolute i guess its too late unless I work it all over, which I do not intend so far. Or is there any super-secret trick? And the form I added does not validate because of two things I have no idea how to fix. At least I did not write that thing myself... I guess I should. Thanks for your comments Sarah
  10. When testing pages for browser compatibility, do you use browser simulators like they can be found on the web? Do they really simulate well? Or is it necessary to test on the real ones to be 100% sure that things work fine?
  11. I am rather new to coding, but after having my own page finished I just decided to go on learning. One thing I am playing around with is this page: ww w.ter lamonte.com The problem is the following: I have positioned two transparent png-images over the header and content background. I positioned them with position:relative. They are exactly in the place I want them to be. But like this they create a huge empty space that stretches the blue background div too much. Hiding the overflow cuts the blue box but leaves me with a big headache to position the rounded corners. I don't want to use absolute position because I want to keep the page flexible when changing the size of the browser window. Please give me an idea how to solve this. Thanks already in advance, Greetings, Sarah (do you guys have a Hello-Thread? I do feel a bit awkward just to first post a cry for help... but feel safe, I usually like to figure out things on my own and I know already that pages can look different in different browsers and that validating things helps a lot most of the times... :cool: )
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