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Posts posted by youngros

  1. After finding my C drive was rapidly filling up because the WAMP server was there, research showed that all I needed in my C was the operating system and everything else could go in the other partition of the drive, which in my case is F.

    So I moved the server and Dreamweaver and several other things as well, but now I find that Dreamweaver is not the default editor for files like it once was.

    I have tried right clicking and asking it to edit/open in Dreamweaver and it doesn't want to know.

    Any ideas on how to fix this, it's not a big issue, but I like the choice of being able to use Dreamweaver or Notepad++.


  2. Hi Stefan,


    Although I have got it working live, just playing around with it on WAMP at the moment. Basically using a site I do for a church and seeing if I can use Drupal to run it. Ading text is easy enough, it is the file path for adding an image that is giving me problems, not a problem live though!! I have FCK Editor on.

  3. Just starting to learn Drupal and have got it working both locally and remote.

    For some reason I have drawn a blank trying to add a picture, the picture is in the photos folder C:/wamp/www/drupal/sites/default/files/photos/photo.jpg what is the URL I use to get the image to show?

    Sounds daft but I just cannot get it to work and it is driving me up the wall. :(



  4. As the main page will alter length depending on the data I have decided to go with the min-height option.

    I know it is probably wrong, but IE8 has been around for a while and it is bad enough now getting used to that without having to worry about IE6. Stats show that around 10% are still using IE6, but 90% are not. Times move on and it's a personal site.

  5. Thanks Lynne, no idea how or where that came from :/

    It wasn't intentional to lose the scrollbar. There are one or two other issues with IE8 regarding sizes of divs that work perfectly in Firefox and IE7 but mess up in 8. I hadn't realised what a hash that made of my pages. :(

    Once it is sorted it will go out on its own domain.

    Oh well sun shining, that makes a change. :)

  6. Hi Ben, sorted those out, but now need to sort out a bit more of the CSS as it now doesn't look right.


    Most of it does validate, just have one major headache as the errors lie in the script and for the life of me I can't find them to correct them.


    Back to the drawing board. Oh to know more php.


    We have had the wettest December since records began which was only 1931. Don't know about you Virtual but we get very localised weather.

  7. Thanks Virtual, someone else suggested that it was browser related and that it maybe my CSS menu.


    This computer only has Firefox and IE8, my testing computer had IE7, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, but decided to crash on New Years day!!

    I will try your fix and see how I get on.


    Maybe it is wrong of me, but I am not going to worry about IE6, we are on 8 now and most people must be on XP plus by now.


    Hope you have better weather than we have had, 100m or rain since the beginning of the year.


    Will let you know how I get on.

  8. Thanks for looking Susie.


    Are you able to view the whole site as that is all that is on the homepage at the moment.


    First I knew there was a problem was a friend said he couldn't view it and then checked with a weather forum, one can't and one can so far.


    Seems really strange.

  9. I successfully worked out how to set a hidden field and the php code to return the error if it was filled in using the if else statement.

    It all worked fine in testing, but when I transferred the code to the intended webpage it's not working. When submitting the form it returns a page not found 404 error and the url is showing the formmail.php suffix.

    Any ideas where I am going wrong?



    php code is



    // Input Your Personal Information Here

    $mailto = '*' ;

    $from = "Madeira Weather" ;

    $formurl = "http://www.sanssouciwebdesign.com/weather/formmail.php" ;

    $errorurl = "http://www.sanssouciwebdesign.com/weather/error.php" ;

    $thankyouurl = "http://www.sanssouciwebdesign.com/weather/thankyou.php" ;

    // End Edit


    // prevent browser cache

    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");

    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");

    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");

    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);

    header("Pragma: no-cache");


    function remove_headers($string) {

    $headers = array(









    if (preg_replace($headers, '', $string) == $string) {

    return $string;

    } else {

    die('You think Im spammy? Spammy how? Spammy like a clown, spammy?');




    $uself = 0;

    $headersep = (!isset( $uself ) || ($uself == 0)) ? "\r\n" : "\n" ;


    if (!isset($_POST['email'])) {

    header( "Location: $errorurl" );

    exit ;




    // Input Your Personal Information Here

    $name = remove_headers($_POST['name']);

    $email = remove_headers($_POST['email']);

    $subject = remove_headers($_POST['subject']);

    $comments = remove_headers($_POST['comments']);

    $http_referrer = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" );

    // End Edit


    if (!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i",$email)) {

    header( "Location: $errorurl" );

    exit ;



    // Input Your Personal Information Here

    if (empty($name) || empty($email) ||empty($comments)) {

    header( "Location: $errorurl" );

    exit ;


    // End Edit


    if ($subject == '') {

    //all your things here, e.g. add data to database, email, etc

    header( "Location: $thankyoururl" );



    } else {

    header( "Location: $errorurl" );

    exit ;




    if ( ereg( "[\r\n]", $name ) || ereg( "[\r\n]", $email ) ) {

    header( "Location: $errorurl" );

    exit ;


    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {

    $comments = stripslashes( $comments );



    // sets max amount of characters in comments area (edit as nesesary)

    if (strlen($comments) > 1250) {

    $comments=substr($comments, 0, 1250).'...';


    // End Edit


    $message =

    "This message was sent from:\n" .

    "$http_referrer\n\n" .


    // Input Your Personal Information Here

    "Name: $name\n\n" .

    "Email: $email\n\n" .

    "Subject: $subject\n\n" .

    "Comments: $comments\n\n" .

    "\n\n------------------------------------------------------------\n" ;

    // End Edit


    mail($mailto, $from, $message,

    "From: \"$name\" <$email>" . $headersep . "Reply-To: \"$name\" <$email>" . $headersep );

    header( "Location: $thankyouurl" );

    exit ;



  10. I've been using Eric's contact form on my website for a while without any problems. The odd spam arrived, but nothing much to worry about. Now I'm getting up to a dozen a day and it will probably only get worse. I don't want to use Capcha as I have problems reading those myself so I thought I would use the honeypot trap of a hidden field.


    So far I have managed to hide the field using CSS but I don't know how to set the php to return the error when the field is filled in. All the other fields return errors if they are left empty. Tried searching the internet but not much out there in the way of coding examples.


    Any ideas please.

  11. Thanks, looking better now.


    Just having a problem now with WAMP, while it looks fine live, one page is looking terrible on the server, much like it does with Dreamweaver, now I'm used to that but expect the server to be the same as live.


    Unable to use any of the web tools with Firefox on this computer, after one of the last updates to Firefox the web tools toolbar won't show and if it is downloaded the adblock doesn't show up. Tried a clean reinstall, but still the same. Works fine on my other computer.

  12. The page in question is http://www.holytrinity-madeira.org/news.php


    Two of the photos sit happily side by side, but further down the page the two pictures are not, but I have used the same code.

    I am trying to edit the page, and removed a lot of stuff, not live yet and when I try and sit two more photos side by side it ends up in a real mess.


    What am I doing wrong, as this has worked before and I am getting really frustrated trying to get it to work.

  13. I have checked the who is, and the domains are registered under the client names. Both websites will be down now until something is sorted as neither I nor the client can change the passwords, which is something I find very strange. Last time it took over a week before new passwords were issued, they just ignored the emails from the client. I can't email the hosts as my Portuguese is not very good.


    I've been using hostpapa myself for a couple of years, bit more down time than I would like sometimes, but they are quick to answer any emails when there is a problem. Canada/US and UK based, but it doesn't really matter these days. I like them because you have more than one domain on the hosting and the two sites that have been hacked could also share hosting, neither are big sites.


    Although I didn't charge for the building of these sites, they are friends, I can't help feeling somehow it reflects on me that this has happened again. I've checked the other sites that I run and they are all clean. Is it something I could have prevented or does the host have a glaring hole in their security or an aggrieved employee who has access to the passwords.

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