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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I have IE8, so I cannot duplicate the error - but what I checked was the validator and it showed 69 errors. Any one of them could be causing problems....
  2. Andrea


    Technically, where you store them is (almost) irrelevant. That is, if your website is just on your computer, they can be on your computer, but if your website is online, they should be on a server. Creating a folder called 'images' is not necessary - but it's a useful organizational tool. You could have them in the same folder as your index.html and your other pages, but if your site is bigger, that might be quite a mess. Or you could have them in a folder called 'elephant' - as long as the path to the images is correct, it won't matter. Obviously, calling your images folder 'images' makes a lot more sense. Let's assume you have a folder called 'website' and your index.html is in that folder. That folder also contains another folder called 'images' (which holds your images) - then your code to the image would look like this: When you upload to a server, you'd upload your index.html AND your 'images' folder (including elephant.jpg) and your code will not change. Does that help for starters?
  3. Here is another great tutorial for drop downs - it has all the code and it explains. BTW - it's the one I would have linked to in Post #2! http://www.visibilityinherit.com/code/drop-down.php
  4. Try the link in the post above yours - third column from the left.
  5. I bet some of you have already dug into this subjects and have some great resources and insights to share. Please do. Also, any thoughts on this .mobi thing? Seems to me it's redundant, a properly designed site should display mobile with or without the extra domain name.
  6. ...and where SHOULD the table start? Ideally, we need to see a link to the uploaded site, or at the very least, the code. And then there is: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/62/html-or-xhtml-updated-30-july-06/
  7. I would have already linked to your tutorial - it's simple and straight-forward - would have explained how things work and given him the code - but he didn't want to click. His loss....
  8. You mean you don't want me to post the link to a page that not only explains it, but also shows it clearly? Too bad I don't have to time to copy and paste it all.
  9. You really want a doctype in the middle of all your code, duplicate html and body closing tags, and a bunch of validation errors?
  10. I played around a little bit - of course I don't exactly know what you have in mind for the final look, and the colors are mostly to show where stuff is. The main things I changes I made are: Changed doctype to html strict arranged CSS in order - it doesn't affect how it renders, but it makes it easier to work in and follow along. added the * {margin: 0; padding;} and removed all the now redundant margin: 0;s from the rest removed some unnecessary divs added actual content instead of the height - content will likely not be the same across the site, so setting a fixed height easily leads to trouble Mostly, I tried to streamline things. (And I didn't follow the entire discussion in this thread, I was busy playing with the page). Oops - and here's my version: http://www.aandbwebdesign.com/misc/don77.html
  11. Using a table isn't what jlhaslip meant, but creating 2 divs - one with the fields you want to keep on the left, and one with those for the right, and using the CSS to place them. Also, your code there is quite a mess -you start without a doctype but a complete head and open body section, then have a doctype right in the middle of the html and follow with an entire set of tags including double closing body and html tags.
  12. I haven't tried or researched it, but of the top of my head, try adding padding or border to your regular link and none to the one with the bigger font - you'll just have to play with how may pixel until things quit jumping. Seems like it should work.....
  13. Can you post a link to the specific tutorial and ideally, a link to the page that's not working?
  14. That's way too vague to even begin to guess. Ideally, load the page up somewhere and give us a link.
  15. Until you figure out why the wizzard isn't acting right, you could just manually fix the code and see if the image appears as it should.
  16. Andrea

    CSS layout

    Start with a doctype - ideally, the correct one Get in the habit of writing all tags in lower case - you'll save yourself a lot of trouble down the road. Don't write stuff like - stick to [
  17. Andrea

    ?? re PHP Course

    I moved your question into a new thread - it's always better to start a new one instead of hijacking existing ones. I'm not sure how anybody will be able to answer you, so -you're not saying exactly which course(s) you are considering, how many hours per day you are planning on studying, and how fast you can learn. If you're looking at video tutorials, they usually give you the run-time. However, you may have to stop and/or rewind at times, which will add to viewing time.
  18. Depends on what exactly you would like to know. Which part of is not clear?
  19. Yes, if you're just dragging, the file name should be right. You still haven't clearly stated what it is that does not work. In post #3, the only thing with img is looks good to me, and should work. It would be better if you could upload any pages with any problems, post a link, and be specific as to what is NOT working properly. In post #5, the only thing with img is light-jhxx which is a link to an image - you'd have to click the word light-jhxx and a new window would open with only an image in it - not even a webpage. Did you use the wrong wizard?
  20. looks right - and you're sure there's an image called (and spelled EXACTLY the same) light-jhxx.jpg in your images folder?
  21. No idea why a wizzard may not work = just look at (show us) the code and make sure everything is ok there.
  22. Densi, could be nobody is really taking your post too seriously - it sounds so much more like advertising and SPAM for your site than a legit request for input. And personally, I have no idea what "on-page for my site my site" means.
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