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Everything posted by Susie

  1. Duh @ me. I just figured that out and came back to post it. LOL Thanks, Eric.
  2. What is this called (and what's the solution)....when you have a bottom div (let's say a footer) and it comes after two floated divs, and it's stuck to the bottom of those floated divs. You can apply padding and margins to the footer and no matter what, it won't move down..... Help!
  3. Oh cool! Thanks John! I will give it a try today and let you know how it goes.
  4. Susie

    Background image help

    Yes, and it was a silly mistake on my part. I remembered the bottom slice is now inside the larger container, so I had to add the margin to the larger one instead. Duh @ me. I'll email you later!
  5. Susie

    Background image help

    Bleach in your eyes! Ouch! That had to burn. I hope you are okay. Actually, this design was made by a graphic designer and she asked me to code it and implement CMS MS. Fun stuff!
  6. Susie

    Background image help

    I knew you were gonna ask that. LOL Honestly, I'm not sure....we were in IM and he was using firebug. He was in a hurry to go pick up his kids and my kids kept interrupting me and making it impossible for me to concentrate. Later tonight, I hope to go through the changes he made and figure it out myself.
  7. Susie

    Background image help

    Well, it's working now. John/shelfimage figured it out for me. I still have a few IE kinks to sort out, but it's all there. Whew! Thanks so much for looking at this today!
  8. Susie

    Background image help

    Thanks, guys. Ben, I think if I did it that way, I would still have issues because the list wouldn't appear only appear in the middle of the container. Know what I mean? I need the list to appear at the very top and all the way to the very bottom. Eric, I actually tried, that, but again since the list is at the very top, the new background color covered up that gradient and the swirls.
  9. It looks good to me so far. Your link is still taking me to the old one, though. You will want to reconsider putting a height on the content div because you'll want that to be expandable as your content grows.
  10. Susie

    Background image help

    Hmmm.... I still don't see how to do it. If I were to make the top image 600ish pixels long, then it's not truly expandable because in theory, the client could add several pages and it would eventually not be long enough. The second way wouldn't work either, would it? I mean, that gradient is confusing me. And I would still have the corners of the box sticking out. So confused! lol
  11. On second thought, that's a lot of work that's easily fixed in the CSS. I would recommend removing all the padding on your containers and instead apply the padding to the actual elements that will go inside (paragraphs, lists, etc). Then use margin:0 auto; to position everything in the center. #wrapper { margin: 0 auto; width: 822px; } #header { width: 806px; height: 158px; margin: 0 auto; background-image : url(images/header_test.jpg); background-repeat : no-repeat; } #navigation { width: 800px; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 0px auto; background: #000000; } #content { width: 800px; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #4e7fb6; background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0; height: 350px; } #footer { width: 800px; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #4e7fb6; background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; }
  12. If you set the width of the header to 822 px like your wrapper it will work. But first, you'll need to remake your header image to be the same width.
  13. I am coding this layout and am struggling with the left side navigation background. http://cli.gs/BLPdsE Because the main background is a gradient, I've had to use transparent pngs for these images. I need to make the left nav expandable, but I don't see how to make it work. What I've done is create a top and bottom image so it can be expandable, but when I set the background color to match the image, the corners of the box stick up past those rounded corners. If this background were a solid color, I could do it no problem like you see on the right with the white content area. But there's a gradient here, too. Can anyone give me an idea on how best to accomplish this? TIA!
  14. I'm using this to display the recent posts in the sidebar: <?php wp_get_archives('type=postbypost&limit=5'); ?> Got that code from here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_get_archives I tried just using the regular recent posts widget, but there seems to be a bug where it shows only a page on the Pages instead of the posts. So, does anyone know how to add the date to the get_archives tag?
  15. I actually use both. I like to use PSP when resizing photos - probably because I'm used to it and have it down to a science. One of my clients consistently sends me super large photos that I have to crop down and resize, so I use it for that mostly. I am still a Photoshop newbie, and I've been pretty pleased with my purchase. It does seem more robust when creating and manipulating images. It seems like there are more options. And it's been fun finding new brushes and patterns to download and use in PS. But the biggest advantage to me has been the ability to really work with .PSDs. I work with a couple graphic designers who send a .PSD to me so I can code their designs (too bad I can't put all that in my portfolio!). Will PSP work with .PSDs? I've never looked....
  16. Nevermind, I found it. Free transform is it!
  17. I need to stretch some text and can't figure it out in PS3. I can do it in Paint Shop Pro by just grabbing the little squares and dragging the selected area sideways. How do you do it in PS?
  18. Thanks for the ideas. I'll give them a try.
  19. http://cli.gs/6hjRrB Do you know this one?
  20. Okay, happy girl again. I got a refund from the seller. I guess I raised enough of a stink.
  21. No, unfortunately, I paid via Paypal. I tried opening a dispute there, but they won't work with me since it's a "service" and not a "good".
  22. I am so mad right now! :mad: If you have ever considered purchasing the WP Remix Wordpress theme because it claims to be like a CMS with page templates easily edited in the WYSIWYG editor, think again! That claim is false, false, false! I purchased it this morning thinking it would speed up my work on a client's website. Now I realize that it will not work as advertised. Not a happy girl here!!
  23. I have a client who wants me to write them. Aside from that....what if you're giving them a cms site? Would you consider instructing them on how to physically add them and then let them do it?
  24. Do you compose and write the meta descriptions and keywords for your clients? Or do you give them instructions on how to do it and let them do it themselves (assuming you're giving them a cms or other easily updated site)? I just wonder if you consider this part of the job or is it like them asking their web designer to also be a copywriter?
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