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  1. Xara is really a drawing program like Illustrator and they have added in web design capability. I've been using Xara since it was Corel Xara back in the late 90's!


    It's the best drawing program there is, but web design ... ? I would only use it for very, very simple projects and prototyping.



  2. it's crazy how far things have come


    And I think this is just beginning! There are a lot of new developments coming out there ... and not just the Web world. I see crazy developments/advances in medicine, energy and whole lot more.



  3. Hi,


    You should watch my video on web design vs. graphic design - it may help.


    And you may want to read these articles:





    PS: be very, very careful about taking on student loan debt ... it can be very dangerous financially.


    I hope that helps,



  4. Just use php to override the #branding css rules right in the page. That is the easiest way.


    Another thing you could do, is use php to generate the css file on the fly .. that is more involved thought. You could also do this with DOM scripting.



  5. Hi,


    I wanted to get some suggestions from you guys in terms of what subjects you might like to see covered in tutorials, videos or podcasts? For instance:


    - more php?

    - more javascript?

    - deeper in css or html?

    - more on Wordpress?

    - basic design concepts?

    - photoshop?

    - any other programs: illustrator, dreamweaver, expression web, flash?

    - on seo?


    Let me know!



  6. BTW ... nothing intrinsically wrong with WYSIWYG. I have used Composer and KompoZer for years and can get good results, better the more I learn about HTML/CSS and design


    I agree.


    There once was a time when I was a nerd-zealot and refused to use a good code editor when writing Java. Now, if any of you have seen Java code, you'd know how complex and verbose Java can get. Anyway, for a year or two I resisted and continued to use notepad to write Java .... then one day, I got wise and started using a program dedicated to writing Java. In software development, we call these IDE's:


    Integrated Development Environment


    ... This was the best move I could have made because my productivity jumped though the roof. Still, I needed to understand Java to take full advantage of the IDE.


    A little different from web design, but the spirit of the point I think holds true.



  7. The beauty of using CMSMS and WordPress together is that you can use the same design to have both of them look visually identical.


    Well, that can be said about any layout on any blog or CMS.




    That said, unless you need to support many, many users with really fine-grained rights management or you need to be able to say, define different themes per category ... I would just use Wordpress.


    Come to think of it, I don't even know if CMSMS supports different themes by category. I know Drupal can.



  8. I really think I need something else, I just hate to start all over. I wonder though if I couldn't get new hosting, and just copy and paste that html into the new one to start where I left off?


    Yes you can .. easily in fact.


    That said, it seems to me you need to learn some basic web design. We have two options, our video tutorial on web design and our dedicated website on basic web design.


    .. Your choice.


    So the first thing you should do, is load the site you have in a web browser and then go to File - > save page as ... and save the complete web page. This way, you will have a copy of what you have now.


    I hope that helps,



  9. @Stefan

    You've seen banned for life or the same type of hidden keywords?


    Shoot I got the dreaded 180 second thing again.....and again.....I'll go and make a cup of tea and forget I even wrote this :rolleyes:


    I've never had that problem. I know a guy who once had a very profitably web based business and he got shut down for black-hat SEO and subsequently went BK. Don't mess with Google!


    You're still having the 180s delay? That is weird, you should be well past that.



  10. All you need to do is:


    1. assign the text you want displayed to a variable - this will be spit out by a function that does the final calculations.

    2. once you have that variable, use simple DOM scriptiing to target a div and then insert that value with the innerHTML property.



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