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  1. Hi, I've modified your script in order to fit the requirements of my database but I am now getting the following errors: Here is the code for my php editing file: /* EDIT RECORD */ // if the 'id' variable is set in the URL, we know that we need to edit a record if (isset($_GET['account_code'])) { // if the form's submit button is clicked, we need to process the form if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // make sure the 'id' in the URL is valid if (is_string($_POST['account_code'])) { // get variables from the URL/form $account_code = htmlentities($_POST['account_code'], ENT_QUOTES); $forename = htmlentities($_POST['forename'], ENT_QUOTES); $surname = htmlentities($_POST['surname'], ENT_QUOTES); $address_1 = htmlentities($_POST['address_1'], ENT_QUOTES); $address_2 = htmlentities($_POST['address_2'], ENT_QUOTES); $town_city = htmlentities($_POST['town_city'], ENT_QUOTES); $county = htmlentities($_POST['county'], ENT_QUOTES); $postcode = htmlentities($_POST['postcode'], ENT_QUOTES); $company_name = htmlentities($_POST['company_name'], ENT_QUOTES); $email = htmlentities($_POST['email'], ENT_QUOTES); $telephone = htmlentities($_POST['telephone'], ENT_QUOTES); $mobile = htmlentities($_POST['mobile'], ENT_QUOTES); // check that firstname and lastname are both not empty if ($forename == '' || $surname == '') { // if they are empty, show an error message and display the form $error = 'ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!'; renderForm($account_code, $forename, $surname, $address_1, $address_2, $town_city, $county, $postcode, $company_name, $email, $telephone, $mobile, $error); } else { /*$result = mysqli_query($cxn,"UPDATE tbl_billing_info SET account_code='$account_code',forename'$forename',surname='$surname',address_1='$address_1',address_2='$address_2',town_city='$town_city',county='$county',postcode='$postcode',company_name='$company_name',email='$email',telephone='$telephone',mobile='$mobile' WHERE account_code='$account_code'"); or die ("Could not connect to the database server<br />\n" . mysqli_connect_error());*/ // if everything is fine, update the record in the database if ($stmt = $cxn->prepare("UPDATE tbl_billing_info SET account_code = ?, forename = ?, surname = ?, address_1 = ?, address_2 = ?, town_city = ?, county = ?, postcode = ?, company_name = ?, email = ?, telephone = ?, mobile = ? WHERE account_code= ?")) { $stmt->bind_param("s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s", $account_code, $forename, $surname, $address_1, $address_2, $town_city, $county, $postcode, $company_name, $email, $telephone, $mobile); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); } // show an error message if the query has an error else { echo "ERROR: could not prepare SQL statement."; } // redirect the user once the form is updated header("Location: billing_info_editing_newANDedit.php"); } } // if the 'id' variable is not valid, show an error message else { echo "Error!"; } } // if the form hasn't been submitted yet, get the info from the database and show the form else { // make sure the 'id' value is valid if (is_string($_GET['account_code']) && $_GET['account_code'] != NULL) { // get 'id' from URL $account_code = $_GET['account_code']; // get the record from the database if($stmt = $cxn->prepare("SELECT account_code,forename,surname, address_1, address_2, town_city, county, postcode, company_name, email, telephone, mobile FROM tbl_billing_info WHERE account_code= ?")) { $stmt->bind_param("s", $account_code); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($account_code, $forename, $surname, $address_1, $address_2, $town_city, $county, $postcode, $company_name, $email, $telephone, $mobile); $stmt->fetch(); // show the form renderForm($account_code, $forename, $surname, $address_1, $address_2, $town_city, $county, $postcode, $company_name, $email, $telephone, $mobile, NULL); $stmt->close(); } // show an error if the query has an error else { echo "Error: could not prepare SQL statement"; } } // if the 'id' value is not valid, redirect the user back to the view.php page else { header("Location: billing_info_editing_newANDedit.php"); } } } For Quote 1: All fields that I use in the table are VCHAR datatype except for 'town_city' and 'postcode' which are ENUM datatypes and 'postcode' which is CHAR. I know that this binding method only uses a few data types such as string, decimal etc. and maybe the ENUM data type is causing the trouble here. I have been reading up on this but I can't find any info on the web which suggests that passing an ENUM type as a string would cause any issues. I'm relatively new to PHP and MySQL. For Quote 2: Not sure what is causing this exactly, I'm aware that outputting echo statements earlier on the script can cause this error and I haven't included the entirety of my code on this example. Just the piece that is causing the issue. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks
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