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Include All


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Not sure if its been posted before, i tried searching but couldnt really find anything similar to this. Anyway, i put together a little php script that includes all files within the same directory. The purpose of this? Well, if you have a library folder or something similar where you keep all your php scripts, instead of including every single page, you could just include one that would automatically include the rest of them. Now, if you just wanted to include a few select scripts, this obviously wont do you any help. It will also include all files in sub folders. Oh, i forgot to mention that this page would have to be at the root of you php library. If you see any improvements that could be made, please let me know. Thanks! Here's the code:



$thisFileFull = __FILE__;
$thisFile = basename($thisFileFull);
$thisDir = dirname($thisFileFull).'/';

$folders = array();
$files = array();

*	Scanner:
*	Scan the directory and store its contents in appropriate arrays
*	If a file is found, store in $files array 
*	If a directory is found, store in the $folders array
function scanner($folder)
global $folders,$files,$thisFile;

if($_contents = opendir($folder))	//open the directory
	while(false !== ($file = readdir($_contents)))	//loop through the contents of the directory
		if($file == "." || $file == ".."){}else
			if(is_dir($folder.$file))	//only processes folders 
				if(!in_array($folder.$file,$folders))array_push($folders,$folder.$file);	//add the folder to folders array if it doesnt already exists
			elseif(is_file($folder.$file) && $file != $thisFile)	//only processes files and make sure not to include this file, otherwise you'd be in an infinite loop
				if(!in_array($folder.$file,$files))array_push($files,$folder.$file);	//add the file to files array if it doesnt already exists
*	Cleaner:
*	"Cleans" the folders array 
function clean()
global $folders;

foreach($folders as $key => $newFolder)	//loop through the folders array
	scanner($newFolder.'/');	//send all the results to be rescanned, 
	unset($folders[$key]);	//after scanning remove the folder from the array
*	Scan through the root and return ALL of the results
function scan()
global $folders,$thisDir,$files;

if(!is_dir($thisDir))	//check to see if the directory is valid before continuing
	return false;	
elseif(isset($thisDir))	//check to see if the root directory is set
	scanner($thisDir);	//initial scan of the root directory
	while(!empty($folders))	//loop through to check if there are any folders in the root directory
		clean();	//rescan all folders in the root directory
	if(empty($folders))	//checks to see that there are no more folders
		return $files;	//returns the results(the entire url leading to the file) ex. /var/www/index.php instead of index.php

foreach(scan() as $key => $value)

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