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Hi, from Winnipeg

I am taking 6 months off from this program to fill-in gaps so as to make myself more job/career/freelance ready, and to prepare for the Final Project

My question is:  knowing my level of training, what should I be doing now?

The background:

I have completed 5 of 6 terms for this 3-year program. I have chosen what the Brits call "web specialism" as my speciality.

The compulsory web-relevant skills taught in the first two years to everyone are:

programming skills:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • MySQL
  • SQLite3
  • Postgresql
  • Python
  • nodejs
  • express.js
  • Two HTML templating engines: Handlebars and EJS

other skills:

  • wire framing
  • prototypes
  • mocking
  • agile development
  • software design & development

The remainder of the compulsory (general) courses are:  math, algorithms and C++

Third(final)-year is the speciality track year. For web specialism:

  • React Native - done (Note: there is no React instruction)
  • Django - done
  • More SQL - done
  • Semantic Web - done
  • Interaction Design - done

Still to do (final semester):

  • Unity, C#
  • an elective (I am leaning towards Machine Learning, it could be a niche in web development)
  • the Final Project - putting it all together

My concerns:

  • Should I learn React ? (not offered in this program)
  • Any other backend frameworks I should master besides Django?
  • How useful is Unity and C# as a web developer?
  • Would mastering mobile development help my career as a web developer?


For the curious, I attach a spreadsheet outlining the different specialities the University of London (Goldsmiths College) offers at the present time,  with the list of final-year compulsory courses for each speciality, and a list of the eight permitted elective courses for each speciality. Everyone does a Final Project.


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