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General Positioning Question!

Guest sanderemk

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Guest sanderemk

I am having trouble positioning various objects on my site in Dreamweaver. The problem is that I will set an initial position using positioning:absolute left:value right:value but if I return to the object later to make slight adjustments to it's position, everything goes haywire. It will either move to a seemingly random spot, or it will move where I want it but not show the change when I upload the files to the actual site. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the site:


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The positioning is working just as you coded it. Your problem is where you define your positioning. In your case, you are positioning from the root element which is the

. This could cause the desire location to differ from one computer to another.


Think of the positioning this way...you have:








So this is basically telling the browser to locate this exactly 704px from the left and 382px from the top and the starting point is the upper left corner of the browser. So if your monitor has a screen resolution of 1024, it will place it fairly close to the lower right side of the browser. If the monitor has a screen resolution of 1600, guess what? It's going to place it almost to the center of the screen.


So you need to understand how positioning works. From what you are trying to achieve, you don't need positioning at all. You need to layout your divs in the order you want and set the desired width for each. You can then float any of the divs so that it's on the same line so long the total width of those divs add up to be no more than the overall size of div that are containing them.


I don't have any links in front of me but you can ask or do a search on this forum or better yet Google for CSS Tutorials and you will find an abunance worth of tools that can help you.

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