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innerHTML and while loop (JS ch7, l3)


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I expect the browser to print the values from 10 to 1 in an empty p tag using JavaScript, but it's printing 1 to 10.

Why does it print above the old line, and not below it?

<!-- Button for printing "i" -->
<input type="button" value="print i">

<!-- Empty p tag where the values of "i" will be printed -->

  // Function for printing "i"
  function print() {
    var i = 10;
    while(i > 0) {

      // Grabs the empty p tag
      var p = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0];

      // Prints the values of "i" on the p tag
      p.innerHTML = "i: " + i + "<br>" + p.innerHTML;
      i = i -1;

  // Calls the function for printing "i"
  document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].onclick=function() {



Edited by hiimrann
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It's alright, I worked it out with a little help.

If anyone's wondering, the answer is in the following line of code:

p.innerHTML = "i: " + i + "<br>" + p.innerHTML;

I'll explain it with two iterations, in four steps each.

Hopefully I got it right, and explained it in non-nerd well lol.


[Iteration 1]
Step 1. When i = 10, the browser prints the following in the <p> tag:

i: 10 <br>

Step 2. p.innerHTML (right of the = operator) is empty for now, hence, nothing happens on the screen in this step.

Step 3. The printed line (i: 10 <br>) is assigned to p.innerHTML (left of the = operator).

Step 4. i is decremented by -1, and now i = 9.

[Iteration 2]
Step 1. i = 9, and the browser FIRST prints the following in the <p> tag:

i: 9 <br>

Step 2. p.innerHTML (right of the = operator), which is now i: 10 <br>, is added after i: 9 <br>, and the browser NOW displays i: 9 <br>i:10 <br>.

Step 3. The printed line (i: 9 <br>i:10 <br>) is assigned to p.innerHTML (left of the = operator).

Step 3. i is decremented by -1, and now i = 8.

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