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css for a big site


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It depends, there isn't really any specific way.


If it's just a few styles that apply to a non-standard page you could leave them in the main stylesheet with clear comments inside /*...*/ tags that they are for a non-standard page perhaps grouped together at the bottom of the stylesheet, but they would have to have a different id or class. If you want to use the same id or class name for a non-standard page but with a different style, you must have it coded separately.


You should have a stylesheet which applies to most pages, assuming that your site has a consistent design, which it should.


Even then, it's often recommended to have a different stylesheet for a complicated menu or a form.


Then if only one page needs different styles, if it's only one or two items with the same style names as in the main stylesheet like #sidebar then you can put the styles in a head section style tag after the main stylesheet link to be processed last.


Make a different stylesheet if you have more than one non-standard page which can include only the different styles and put the stylesheet link just after the main stylesheet link to be processed last.


I hope that helps.

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