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  1. Welcome to the Killersites Cybersecurity forum. Many of you likely give only minor thought to security in general. You online banking and maybe email and figure you are relatively safe. You are not and I will get into that eventually. Everyone here should take an interest in security and if you really don’t, read it anyways, maybe you will change your mind. But consider this, we are most all web developers of one type or another here, and you should be interested in security as not to compromise your customers systems and maybe give them some good security tips as well. Feel free to ask questions you may have or leave comments. Suggest areas you would like to see discussed and if I can I will. I will give you tips on Security and Privacy after I explain the difference. I will also suggest tools and ways to harden your browsers and discuss how you may be attacked and why. Here at Killersites we have always tried to teach our members best practices and this will continue. This is a subject I feel strongly about, but in the end, it is up to you to decide just how strict you wish your security to be. I will also post interesting news I come across. I am learning a lot on the subject so I won’t be posting every day, but I will post what I can as soon as I can. Enjoy! Cheers! P.S. - I also want to add that this forum will mostly be about defense, protecting yourself, and not a guide to how to hack, so I won't get much into the tools of the trade for Hacking and Pen testing, just protecting yourself,
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