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  1. For those of you using DirtectTV, there is a risk that could allow attackers access to your system and network. Zero-Day Remote 'Root' Exploit Disclosed In AT&T DirecTV WVB Devices https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/directv-wvb-hack.html I have not discussed this issue yet as it can be a tad complicated for those who have never dealt with your routers yourselves. It may be a good idea to talk to someone in "The Know" or discuss it with your ISP support team. The real issue here is IoT (Internet of Things), all the gadgets that are being developed to use the internet. The folks who create your OS generally think about security. The folks who develop your router think about security. But does the developer of all this IoT crap think about security? Did the software developer for you internet connected coffee machine, pace maker, iBarbecue thing think about security? Likely not... so time and time again researchers and bad actors have found ways to bypass the best security people thought they had by hacking a unprotected IoT device. This is another example how hackers can get into your network through your Smart TV. For those of you who like a challenge, find a way to limit your IoT things contact to your network. It needs access to the Internet, but no other devices, it needs no access to your computers or tablets and phones. This way if compromised, the attacker can't do much of anything. Another way is to replace your Router's firmware with an opensource software with something like DD-WRT. Routers can do much more for security if you understand them, but their firmware is "Simplistic" for the average user. By getting more control with other software you can create two networks, your main network and a locked down network for just IoT devices with no contact to your personal devices.
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