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Posts posted by Dbarr

  1. The browser can't find these files:



    Failed to load resource http://localhost/frontcms/app/resources/javascript/colorbox/colorbox.js

    Failed to load resource http://localhost/frontcms/app/resources/javascript/colorbox/colorbox.css


    Looks like they are all pointing to a localhost location rather than your live site.



    For example, to help with the install process on a CMS? I don't think so, though I haven't really done any research on the subject. Wordpress might be a good example to follow: they have an installer where the user enters the database details, and then the system automatically sets up the required database tables and an admin user.



    Fixed the pointing but its still not closing.



  2. What browser are you viewing the site in? Using Chrome (Chrome 24, Mac) I've logged into your CMS and tested your site, and everything seems to be working correctly for me -- the popups are opening and closing correctly.


    In regards to using Mercury, yes, you could switch out TinyMCE for something else. I can't really provide support for that process though -- I've never used Mercury and I'm not familiar with Rails.



    That was a old link here is another where the problem persists.





    Chrome: Version 24.0.1312.56


    also wondering if theres a way with php to add a user to mysql, add database etc.



  3. Just removing or fixing that code won't necessarily be enough to fix things. That's just something I noticed -- not a significant error that the Console was complaining about. Next up would be to fix the "live" issue as I talked about.


    The error is talking specifically about:


    $('#fp_cancel').live('click', function(e){






    So I should change the .live to .on?


    and you said you didn't know what this was -- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined colorbox.js:4 (colorbox.js)?





  4. When I look at the console, I see these two errors:


    -- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined colorbox.js:4 (colorbox.js)

    -- Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'live'


    I also see that you have used jQuery's NoConflict functionality, but there is code at the bottom of the page that doesn't properly follow jQuery's NoConflict rules:


    <script type="text/javascript">

    var currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear();

    $(document).ready(function() {

    $("#year").text( (new Date).getFullYear() );




    Personally, I would start by fixing the above code. Then I would look at the "live" issue -- apparently in the latest version of jQuery, that functionality has been depreciated and they intend you to use "on" instead (check the jquery documentation). You can either switch to use "on" rather than "live" (check the documentation), or you'll need to load a version of jquery earlier than the current 1.7 version.


    I'm not sure what the colorbox error is, and a quick search isn't turning much up, but try fixing the other two errors first and perhaps that one will resolve itself.


    Removing that code doesn't change anything. :(

  5. The first thing I would do would be to check the Javascript Console for Javascript errors -- it will tell you about incorrectly linked files, misspellings in your Javascript code, etc. http://www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/javascript-debugging-beginners



    I'm getting a no database selected with all the db connections set right. here http://22twenty.com/mycms Any ideas?


    fixed that but still have the popup problem.

  6. Hello, I'm trying to login to the cms i i built with the tutorial.


    I get Invalid username or password!


    In the temp i put




    echo md5('admin' . 'denver');


    that gave me abb7619d2271090e75725e046315fdbe so i put that in my php db in the auth php file i have


    class Auth


    private $salt = 'denver';



    But its not logging in.


    Hope you can help Denver

  7. That probably won't be very easy, since the entire concept that I built the CMS on is the idea that its purpose is to make it easy to convert a static HTML/CSS site to a dynamic site where an admin user can enter content.


    Can it be done though? Yes. You'd need to switch over to a system where the CMS loads a default index page when the site is first loaded, or loads a specific page depending on the URL. You could probably use a modified version of the current system, but use template for each page type rather than a separate page for each page in the site. Obviously you'd need a full backend to manage pages, and would need to figure out how to deal with parent and child pages (if you need that).


    Realistically though... Why not use Wordpress, or some other system that's prebuilt? Maybe Pixie (http://www.getpixie.co.uk/), MojoMotor (http://mojomotor.com/) or Perch (http://grabaperch.com/)? Personally, knowing how much time writing that functionality would take, a < $50 licensing fee is relatively inexpensive (personally) compared to the amount of time involved to custom develop that.



    Wondering where this gets its style?


    <div class="fp_edit" style="height: 110px; width: 760px; ">



  8. That probably won't be very easy, since the entire concept that I built the CMS on is the idea that its purpose is to make it easy to convert a static HTML/CSS site to a dynamic site where an admin user can enter content.


    Can it be done though? Yes. You'd need to switch over to a system where the CMS loads a default index page when the site is first loaded, or loads a specific page depending on the URL. You could probably use a modified version of the current system, but use template for each page type rather than a separate page for each page in the site. Obviously you'd need a full backend to manage pages, and would need to figure out how to deal with parent and child pages (if you need that).


    Realistically though... Why not use Wordpress, or some other system that's prebuilt? Maybe Pixie (http://www.getpixie.co.uk/), MojoMotor (http://mojomotor.com/) or Perch (http://grabaperch.com/)? Personally, knowing how much time writing that functionality would take, a < $50 licensing fee is relatively inexpensive (personally) compared to the amount of time involved to custom develop that.


    I have used wordpress and i was just hopeing to be able to use this one. and i'l ask around see what has to be done and the best way thanks!

  9. The CMS is built to easily work with existing HTML/CSS pages. You'd just need to duplicate the main index.php page and make any changes you need to link things up or change the structure of the page. As long as you have the couple <?php pieces in the code, like the include at the top of the page, the $this->FP->head() (I can't remember offhand, but I believe it was something like that) and the code that creates each of the content blocks, you should be fine.



    This is on the front-end only, right? That the visitor gets to choose which style they view the site in? If so, that shouldn't involve the CMS at all -- you'd just follow a tutorial that discusses how to make a style sheet switcher.


    What i meant is like have navbar with the ability to add pages(which are added to the navbar) without having to copy files etc.

  10. Hello, i followed the how to build a cms series and ive got a functioning cms but i'd like to make a few additions i've figured out how to get a few options but i'd like the ability to have multiple pages that you can edit(duh) and if its possible it have the option to which it may read one of 2 css files.





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