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Everything posted by marc

  1. Cool, thanks a lot Ben. This is really helpful. I was under the impression there is only one way, but it makes sense now that you explained it that there are literally many ways that lead to rome... So it's all about becoming more experienced, and the more experience I have the more logical will my approach be, I should just start developing my application, and when I see ways to improve I simply do it later! Thanks man!
  2. So far only the oop login series, had a quick look at the cms series, not really watched any videos yet.
  3. Yes I think that was a big help to me in terms of understanding how to structure my applications. So basically you have the core structure, which consists also of controllers and models, but not the ones that are used to display views for example. And then you have the controllers and models that are only responsible for the views and getting data to the views? So I would make for example a structure like: application ----- models ----- controllers ----- views ----- core While the core folder contains the models and controllers/dispatching system etc that are responsible for the whole system to work (autoloading classes, dispatching urls and so on) and in the model & controller folders are only models and controllers that are responsible for the views and data output to my application. That correct so far?
  4. I see, so basically I just have to have a procedure how I structure my framework and remember the class/method/property names, and if I don't remember it I know where to look because I have a standard procedure... That basically how I have to look at it? I was confused at how you remembered all the method and property names etc, but I guess that's just because I am not experienced enough yet and OO is split across so many different files that it's irritating at first, because as of yet I am not quite sure about where some things belong, to a model, controller, or core object... So when I think about how I would find stuff later when the application is really big, I start to shiver
  5. Hey there, just purchased the premium video library and working my way through (mostly) the advanced/oop php courses Thanks a lot, really helpful so far! I'm coding a tracking system atm, as a side project. To learn OO I've decided to do the system completly OO style using the MVC pattern. Now after finishing Ben's OO log in turorial, I realized I was really confused with all the different method names and to which object they were assigned. So I was thinking wouldn't it be great if you could just do $this->methodname everywhere in your code, no matter where...? I was doing some research on that topic, but wasn't really successful, what I found was mentioned often is a registry type of class... Now I'm not sure, does a registry do exactly what I described above? Acts like a piggy bank for classes, so objects are loaded into the registry and then you can access all your methods with just one $this prefix? So it all comes down to two questions for me: 1. Is this what a registry is about? 2. And if not, is it possible to reference all your objects with $this->methodname, instead of creating numerous different handles for each object... or is that kind of a stupid idea? Thanks a lot!
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