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  1. This is concerning a htaccess file and mod_rewrite. i have two domains/urls,(just got the second domain/url today and am working on a webpage) the first url being used for the root directory the second i pointed to a folder inside the main/root directory which should load the webpage when i type in the url in the web browser. however it only loads the webpage index.html file (when i rename the htaccess file from the original name htaccess to htaccess1) or when i type in the full path www.example.com/index.html. the htaccess file is preventing the second url from loading the index.html file inside of the sub-directory. by just typing www.example.com. ( Note: the htaccess file was coded by another coder who created the first webpage, and he is no longer working with us ) i am trying to make the second url work as well with out having to type the full path www.example.com/index.html and with out messing up the code in the htaccess which works for the other domain name. The current code looks like this. ( i use www.EXAMPLE.com in place of the working url ) <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on MultiViewsMatch Handlers Filters RewriteCond %{http_host} ^www.EXAMPLE.com [nc] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://EXAMPLE.com/$1 [r=301,nc] RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ /category.php?cat=$1 [L] </IfModule> if anyone can figure this out or let me know what to put in to make both domains work it would be great-Thanks
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