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Everything posted by benjaminmorgan

  1. NVM. I ended up uninstalling Ubuntu. Ran too slow.
  2. I can not find a link for the LAMP download. Should I just download XAMPP instead on Linux? I downloaded Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get LAMP on there. Please either show me where to find the answer or tell me how to download it. Thanks.
  3. You should definitely check into joining the University or buying a DVD. The work that they have done on their youtube channel is amazing. Get a sample at the KillerPHP channel on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/killerphp
  4. Netbeans is good, Better than eclipse I think because you can change the background theme if you like.
  5. No problem, glad I was finally able to help someone.
  6. No problem, glad I was finally able to help someone.
  7. I will highlight what I added/changed in your code. If any questions just ask. @charset "UTF-8"; #nav { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position: relative; width:100%; height: 35px; font-size: 14px; font-color: #090; background-color: #33C; clear: both; float: none; margin-top: 120px; } /*margin-top: 150px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 0px; }*/ #nav ul { list-style-type: none; position: absolute; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; line-height: 0px; } #nav ul li { float: left; position: relative; background-color: #F00; height: 15px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 100px; padding-top: 10px; width: 75px; margin-top: 5px; } #nav ul li a { text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: block; color:#fff; padding: 1px; /*float: none; clear: none; white-space: nowrap;*/ } #nav ul li ul { display: none; /*white-space: normal; margin: 0px;*/ } #nav ul li:hover ul { display: block; position: relative; left:-90px; top:8px; background-color: #0F0; margin-top:0px; margin:bottom:0px; padding:0; /*padding: 0px; margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;*/ } #nav ul li ul li {margin-top: 0px;} #nav ul li: hover ul li a { display: block; width: 200px; text-align:center; margin:0;padding:0; /*font-size: 14px;*/ } #nav ul li: hover ul li a:hover{ margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 0px; }
  8. If you could upload the code it would help.
  9. I think there is a jquery plugin for it. and if javascript is off you could validate it with conditional statements such as if else statements. Using POST of course. If I am not mistaken they have tutorials for it in their university. If you are not familiar with anything above HTML and CSS you might want to learn the programming languages before you jump into form validation.
  10. Okay, Thanks so much for your help. I appreciate it.
  11. Windows, Version 11.52 it says i have latest version.
  12. Okay it is working now, i guess the specificity of .droppeddown li wasn't enough. Did you see what it is doing in opera with the code i uploaded in the last post?
  13. Did you see the space between the margin? not on the main UL but the sub level one. It kept the margin and I can't change it. Do you have an idea why? I fixed the jquery by adding the document ready function and adding slideToggle. I have margin bottom with 15px but when I user #nav li ul li {margin:0;} nothing happens, the styles aren't applied at all if i use important on the #nav li ul li section it works but i was wondering if there was another way. It is also doing something really weird when I click on it in Opera. The whole line of Li tags are going down with the last dropdown item. Only doing it in opera. Thanks So Much. Guess this has been a good birthday after all. nightvisionks.zip
  14. What is the difference and which one should be used and why?
  15. $("div.hide").click(function() { $("div.hide").removeClass("hide"); }); If i have an unordered list in a div with the class called hide and it is inside a list item in a navigation bar why won't it remove the class and show it? Is the code not right?
  16. I am building a project site using skills I have learned and when I started on the dropdown menu it hit me hard. I couldn't remember much of anything using Jquery to build a dropdown. I have the design of the site all nice and tidy then I tried making the list item toggle when I clicked it when I used Jquery's toggle function but nothing happened. I don't know if it has anything to do with CSS specificity or not. I don't have the site hosted but I can send the source files in an email and you can play around. It is small as I started it a couple of days ago so there isn't a lot of stuff to read through. If you could help me I would appreciate it.
  17. Javascript and expecially Jquery is used on animating the menus (ex. dropdowns) and adding delays and fading it into the hover state which may be a new image.
  18. Thanks for that link. I bookmarked it. I have been looking for a good slideshow site for a while.
  19. Thanks, but some how this got off topic. I was trying to fix the whitespace and still haven't succeeded.
  20. i guess lol . I didn't pay attention. it didn't make a difference but i changed it. little cleaner code now
  21. Nevermind the compatability view for older browsers was turned on. when i turned it to show just for the browser 10 it worked right. even on your site it is spaced if it is on.
  22. no. sorry. I am not hosting yet. I am building a webpage for my schools band
  23. http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/234/whites.png is what is happening. It is only INTERNET EXPLORER. I can't fix it. Here is my code sections. I need a CSS fix. -------HTML CODE-------- <ul id="sidenav"> <li><a href="eband.php">Elementary Band</a></li> <li><a href="jhband.php">Junior High Band</a></li> <li><a href="hsband.php">High School Band</a></li> <li><a href="news.php">Band News</a></li> </ul> CSS CODE /*SIDE NAVIGATION*/ ul#sidenav { clear:both; margin:0px; padding:0px; list-style-type:none; line-height:100%; width:200px; } ul#sidenav li { line-height:100%; display:block; height:100%; clear:both; width:200px; } ul#sidenav li a:link, ul#sidenav li a:active, ul#sidenav li a:visited { display:block; line-height:100%; padding:4px; border-bottom:1px solid yellow; background-color:blue; color:yellow; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; font-size:16px; } ul#sidenav li a:hover { background:url("../images/golhover.jp… color:#472400; text-decoration:none; } /*END SIDE NAVIGATION */ IF I put the code all in one line it works but i don't want to do that. i just can't remember the css fix.
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