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Everything posted by benjaminmorgan

  1. Okay, it was actually a disco ball with something in front of it. It was done with brushes but it was done on the background layer. It has a white glow around heart. I centered the date as well. It is hard to make the hearts round since it is just a gradient heart. I saved the heart as a png because i kept using it. I need a good looking background color/colors. Any ideas? I am supposed to use deep blue, sky blue, and silver. However if a color combo looks good i will use it!
  2. I whitened the text on the third one.
  3. Oh i think it is a disco ball in back then not sure what the thing in front of it is. it was done with brushes.
  4. @Andrea What grey thing?? @LSW, I used to like the last one a lot but everyone says it would be better for a graduation not a prom dance.
  5. Okay. I have 5 designs for a prom ticket for my school that I have to create. The theme is Listen to your heart. Please let me know what you think, which one is best, and what i can do to improve. Thanks. Pic is below.
  6. If you save it as txt you can open it up but all you will see is plain unstyled text. If you save it as html you can style the markup with css
  7. Thanks for all your help
  8. Thanks so much, I have another question, is there any way to make sure ActiveX is auto enabled instead of them having to click allow blocked content?
  9. This works perfectly in IE9 but if I have a section tag with a background it won't work in ie6, iE 7 or IE8, If i change the section tag to a div tag it works like it should, why can't i do it with the section tag? I have even declared the section tag display: block; Hopefully someone can help
  10. I liked the idea of it. I signed up with the username benjamin.morgan but it won't let me type the . in the username box so i can't log in. Can you please delete the email that goes with the username so i can resign up?
  11. if you used floats on the divs did you have clears afterwords? whatever is floated right should have a <br style="clear:both;" /> after the containing div of the elements
  12. With MySQL PHPMyAdmin is easiest. I haven't learned how to do it the other ways.
  13. Have you started learning or know PHP? MySQL, like Wickham said, is more often used with PHP than not.
  14. I don't know why it doesn't work in echo. I guess it is a mail function only kind of thing. I know it works in regular text only emails as well.
  15. I wondered the same thing. It seems like it only works on emails. I can't get \r\n to work in browser but when i put it in email it seems to work. I'm not sure if that is what you are asking though.
  16. benjaminmorgan


    thenewboston.org isn't that bad either.
  17. It would seem troublesome if it was one long video. Then if you stopped it you would have to know where exactly you stopped it and all that.
  18. Here is an example of a simple line of code. <?php echo "Hello World"; ?> This is an example of a simple simple simple script. if ($user == $username) { echo "Hello, You are verified."; } else { echo "Sorry, That is not correct."; } The script does something if you need to check something etc. Code is what builds up the script if that helps any. They are pretty much the same though
  19. if you keep everything in the folders with titles inside the test folder there shouldn't be a problem.
  20. Also to take off the border add this to your CSS. img { border: 0px; }
  21. I'm pretty sure code is any line of code of Javascript, PHP, etc. A script is a set of codes that perform a specific function that you want.
  22. And to add on to Andrea, if you put them as background images you can also put a colored background just in case. a { background: #00FF00 url('image/urlhere'); } That way if the image doesn't show the background color still will.
  23. Domain name is a good idea. When you have your code online it is easier for the forum users to help with problems that come up because we can see the code.
  24. Killersites has some great tutorials that a beginner can easily pick up. They use practical examples so when you learn here you are putting your knowledge to good use. And this is probably the most active Web Design forum I have ever seen so You are in the right place. http://www.killervideostore.com/ http://www.killersites.com/university/
  25. Thank You so much!! I did it in paint.NET. I have photoshop and I will try it on there later. I am more comfortable with paint.NET as i have used it more. This is what I ended up with.
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