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Everything posted by GraphicDesNew2Webdesign

  1. Hi guys and gals, In the template I bought there is alot of CSS stylings already tagged to the text fields and sample text (as expected), but I need to change the styles of some of them independantly or of all of them collectively, but editing the styles wont let me change the font color at times, other times it does but generally wont give me full creative editability. After many frustrating attempts of simply dragging a color from the assets panel (DW CS3) over onto the sub titles etc, it has now created tons of new CSS rules or sheets with default names like "style8" etc... So to try to sort our all the CSS now might be hopeless, but what do you recommend or if there is now simple way (for a beginner) to clean up the CSS, how do I just remove or untag that sub title from its CSS so I can just manually edit the formatting (colors, size, padding etc.). IF U DO POST A WAY TO CLEAN UP MY UNORGANIZED CSS STYLINGS ACROSS ALL MY DIFFERENT TEXT FEILDS, PLEASE ALSO TELL ME HOW TO UN-ATTACH THE CSS FORMATTING IN CASE I CANT PULL OFF THE CLEAN UP. LOL. I ATTACHED THE HTML FROM MY HOME PAGE AND MY CSS FILE FOR YOU TO SEE WHAT MY CSS LOOKS LIKE (PLEASE ESPECIALLY CHECK OUT WHAT WENT WRONG ON THE CSS SUBTITLES OR HEADER 2'S LIKE "GALLERY OF WORK" AND "FOR OVER 20 YEARS...". BOTH OF THESE SHOULD START OFF THE 1ST COUPLE WORDS IN BLUE AND THEN LAST FEW WORDS IN WHITE BUT WHEN I DRAG THE COLORS OVER TO THEM FROM ASSET PANEL, THEY TURNED GREY ON ME AND NOW I CANT CHANGE THE COLORS AT ALL. ITS LIKE THE CSS LOCKED UP ON ME THATS WHY I JUST WANT TO REMOVE THE CSS AND FORMAT THEM MANUALLY.) ***SORRY I TRIED ATTACHING THEM BUT IT SAID I ALREADY RECHED MY LIMIT, BUT LUCKILY THESE FILES ARE IN MY OTHER POST ENTITLED "TEMPLATE TEXT INSERTS" SO U CAN DOWNLOAD THE FILES THERE (POSTED 8/18/11)*** SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE. Question #2) How do I make my list of 5 links land directly ont he right image on the gallery page which is one page with many vertically listed images so that link#1 lands directly on image #1 but link#3 lands halfway down that same gallery page right on image#3 and 5 lands on the bottom of that page etc.. (I know how to paste in the url to link to a nother web page, just dont know how to link to an image halfway down a page). Can I just browse the local image location from within the link field within the properties menu so that I just select the image location on my cpu where I want that link to take people to?
  2. Thanks Ben! So it sounds like there is no way to insert a new text box within the given framework without first editing the template structure overall? So there is no loophole / simple solution like adding a text box where there lacks a textbox or just lessening the bottom padding ont he elements above where I want my new text so it allows me to add text box / elements under neath it without pushing the new text way down? Anybody have any round about loophole ways of doing so? I HAVE ATTACHED MY HTML , CSS & A SCREENSHOT Examples of what I need to do: -I need to place the logo right dead center (horizontally and vertically centered) in the middle of the black rectangle (currently below the logo b/c when I insert image it will only insert above the black rectangle or way below it). -I also need to add a text box or just plain text below the logo once placed but I do not want to affect to much of the rest of the layout b/c everything else is perfect so I dont want to make all the other elements shift around or jumble. THANKS GUYS! home-licensed-electrician-rockville-md.html default.css
  3. Hello all, I am new to webdesign and am using DW CS3. I purchased a template I liked from 4templates.com and am trying to insert text and images in specific places within the framework that the template designer apparently did not set it up for. He designed very few/limited text and image fields, and I need to add text and image boxes in other places. For example, I tried to insert and image while my cursor is placed where I want it, and the logo will only appear WAAAAAAAYYYYY at the top or WAAAAYYYYY at the botttom depending on my cursor position. How do I bypass the pre-established template framework and insert text and images where I please. More specifically, do I want to insert a text box, or an image bounding box with my cursor in place (sometimes it wont let me place my cursor where I want to though), or do I want to only "insert text" or "insert image" without the box. And then how do I have control over how much space is above or below or besides the new text so it isnt crammed in? (I tried modifying the padding under "Box" in the "edit style" button and sometimes that only pushes the images down below it but not the other text below it (this maybe due to some CSS rules associated with the text I am editing that was coded by the template designer so how do I TURN OFF or REMOVE the CSS tagged to the text I am trying to gain more control over and take away all the constraints that the designer placed on that text that limits my editing abilities? THANKS TO ALL!!
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