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Everything posted by pureform

  1. Nope, I was wrong the problem persists. (though the not relying upon clients part is still valid) I threw out the script I was using and am processing it with a script I pieced together using Matt Varone's sendmail. Same problem remains: certain emails do not get sent even though the form redirects to the thanks page. If anyone has any ideas, stories, anything, I'm out of options. Here's the script: <?php # ------------------------------------------------------------ // PHP CONTACT FORM SCRIPT v1.0 // By Matt Varone | http://www.mattvarone.com # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ // General Configuration # ------------------------------------------------------------ // Name of the website. $szFrom = "Orlando Villa Rentals- Owners"; // Your email, (the recipient email address). $szRecipient = "nick@xxxxx.com, mick@xxxxxxxx.com"; // Website email address ( Sender's email address ). $szFromEmail = "donotreply@xxxxx.com"; /* Title comes from a hidden input in the form. This gives the possibility to set up more than one form and use this same script.*/ $szTitle = $_POST['title']; // This sets up the email subject. $szSubject = $szFrom.": ".$szTitle; /* All input fields coming from the form/s should go here. The first value is the name attribute used and the second value on the right the name wanted to display on the final email.*/ $aPosted = array( "realname" => "Name", "floridahome" => "Florida Home", "email" => "Email Address", "headname" => "Head of Party", "adults" => "Adults", "children" => "Children", "from" => "From Date", "to" => "To Date", "cot" => "Cot Hire", "flightdetails" => "Fight Details", "other" => "Comments and Special Requests", // add here your fields ); # ------------------------------------------------------------ // Email Content # ------------------------------------------------------------ $szEmailContent.= $szSubject."\n"; $szEmailContent.= "------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; $szLast = ""; foreach($aPosted as $value => $szReal) { if(isset($_POST[$value])) { if($szLast != $szReal) { $szEmailContent.= $szReal.":"; $szLast = $szReal; }; $szEmailContent.= " ".$_POST[$value]."\n\n"; }; }; # ------------------------------------------------------------ // Declare Email headers # ------------------------------------------------------------ $szHeaders = 'From: ' . $szFromEmail . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $szFromEmail . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); # ------------------------------------------------------------ // Output # ------------------------------------------------------------ if( mail( $szRecipient, $szSubject, $szEmailContent, $szHeaders, '-f' . $szFromEmail ) ) // go to previous page ($lasturl) with message=1 (should be a succes message). header( 'Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . html_entity_decode( $_POST['lasturl'] ) . '/owners/thanks.htm' ); else // go to previous page ($lasturl) with message=2 (should be a failure message). header( 'Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . html_entity_decode( $_POST['lasturl'] ) . '/owners/error.htm' ); ?>
  2. Let me start by professing my admitted lack of .php prowess. Ok, that out of the way: I have a contact form that I "fixed" for someone a few years ago that has been working fine since but apparently about a week ago is has begun to fail. It sends emails fine from some users, but not at all from others, in both cases forwarding to success page. Any ideas? On a shared Godaddy server and using jacks formmail.php, but like I said, worked fine until a few weeks ago. Any ideas where to trouble shoot first? Thanks in advance. EDIT:Problem solved. Solution: Do not rely upon your client to properly explain any web related problems. Thanks for all the replies:)
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