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Posts posted by brysonprice

  1. I want to have a link on my home page for users to download my album. What is the best way to do this? If I attach a .zip file to a link on the front page, it will take forever to load the home page, correct? Could I maybe have the album .zipped into one file on a subdomain (ex. brysonprice.com/album.html) and when the user clicks the download link on the home page, it will take them to a page where the download automatically starts? Or is there an easier way? thanks guys

  2. If you did that then the upper portion of the character would probably be cut off because of the fact that the footer is fixed at the bottom of the browser. It may look fine for those that have higher resolution but since 1024 resolution still dominates (or similar settings for widescreen) it would definately chop it off at the top.


    However, if you want to try this (it still will not solve the problem I mentioned above) you can move your character image to withing the containing div of the footer and then apply position to place that character exactly where you want it.


    Also keep in mine that the sticky (fixed) footer position does not behave the same way as IE. You might check your work in all major browsers, Firefox, IE8, IE7, Safari and Chrome.




    So is it impossible to achieve what I'm trying to achieve? To me, it seems like it shouldn't be this hard to do what I want : /

    For example, the website below has a footer at the bottom and the page scrolls nicely (and nothing gets cut off). Why couldn't I do something similar, except replace all the info with my cartoon?


    my link

  3. IE is right pain, i hate the thing!


    What i would advise is using a very helpful tool i've found called ie tester (see link below). Basically you can view your site in different versions of ie at the same time. Personally i ignore ie 5 and try and make it look passable in ie 6 and then try and get as close to normality as possible in 7,8 and 9


    IE Tester


    thanks for sharing this : ) But how do I know how to fix the problems I see?

  4. Thanks Wickham, this helped the positioning problem : ) EXCEPT, now the MUSIC and CONTACT flash objects don't show in IE. Could this be related to the notice I get saying "To help protect your security, internet explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or Active X....". Do I have to type in a code so this message won't pop up?


    I updated the link in my 1st post to show your changes.

  5. Your #wrapper div is closed before the content when I think it should be closed after everything else.


    <div id="wrapper">
    <!--</div> moved down-->
    <div class="cartoon"............
    </div><!--moved down from top-->


    Check for errors here:-



    The reason why I did that is because those were the instructions when applying the sticky footer. In addition to making the footer sticky, I also made the cartoon sticky so that he would always be standing on the line. Is there a way to make the cartoon always stand on the line and also keep the sticky footer?

  6. I want my footer to stick to the bottom of the page on all resolutions and there is no scrolling, like this one:



    It looks good in Firefox, but not all other browsers, and you can really see a difference when you look on a big screen mac. Here's a screen shot I took when viewing a large screen MAC:

    big screen MAC


    Does anyone know what my problem could be?


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <title>Bryson Price Music</title>
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    height: 511px;
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  7. You set the size when you initialize the Graybox:


    GB_myShow = function(caption, url, /* optional */ height, width, callback_fn) {
       var options = {
           caption: caption,
           height: height || 500,
           width: width || 700,
           fullscreen: false,
           show_loading: false,
           callback_fn: callback_fn
       var win = new GB_Window(options);
       return win.show(url);


    You should be able to change the "500"/"700" to whatever height/width you need.


    that's exactly what I thought, but when I change it, even setting the height and width to 0, it doesn't do anything

  8. You would need to change the class name both within your CSS file, and any instances within your pages. For example:


    <div class="header"><span class="Biography"><img src="img/contact.png" alt="biography" width="435" height="107" vspace="50" /></span>


    Do you what part of the code would change the box size?


    You don't know how much I appreciate your help! I've been trying to figure this out for a while :D

  9. -- Use a different class name for your header area (probably easiest)



    I tried doing the first suggestion, but when I changed my header to a different name in the .css style sheet, the header went missing from my pages. Do I have to go in and manually change the name somewhere else after I change the name on my style sheet?


    thanks for figuring this problem out for me ^_^ . You have been a GREAT HELP!

  10. On the CONTACT page, there is a GMAIL logo. When this logo is clicked, a box pops out and the background becomes greyed-out. I like the box, but there is a block of nothing at the top of the box! Where is this coming from?




    here is a pic of the problem:





    here is the code:


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Bryson Price Music</title>
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
       <title>bryson price contact</title>
           <script type="text/javascript">
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    GB_myShow = function(caption, url, /* optional */ height, width, callback_fn) {
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           callback_fn: callback_fn
       var win = new GB_Window(options);
       return win.show(url);

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