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Posts posted by joecool

  1. Hi all,


    I have uploaded 3 images to sit at the top of three colums that I have on my home pages, but the images aren't stretching to the full length of the colum.


    I have uploaded the page I am testing so you can see what I mean.




    The images in question are the three that sit just below the Titles of the colums. i.e. the square people pictures are the ones I am referring to. The width of these are 260px which is the same with as the ones that sit just above them i.e this one: http://tinyurl.com/68x2hjw for example. However on screen they do not look the same size.


    My css file is below (I am in the proccess of getting rid of a lot of the junk in it :blink: )


    Start of css file


    html, body, div, span,

    applet, object, iframe,

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,

    a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,

    del, dfn, em, font, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,

    small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,

    dd, dl, dt, li, ol, ul,

    fieldset, form, label, legend,

    table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;

    border: 0;

    font-weight: inherit;

    font-style: inherit;

    font-size: 100%;

    line-height: 1;

    font-family: inherit;

    text-align: left;

    vertical-align: baseline;





    border-collapse: collapse;

    border-spacing: 0


    q:before, q:after,

    blockquote:before, blockquote:after {content: ""}

    strong {font-weight:bold}





    Element Styles



    body {font-size:12px; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#383b47; background:#ffffff}

    a {outline:none; color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none}

    a:hover {text-decoration:underline}

    p {line-height:1.5em; margin:10px 0}

    small {font-size:.8em; font-weight:normal}

    em {font-style:italic}

    img {border:none;}


    h1 {margin:15px 0; font-size:2.05em; font-weight:bold; color:#383b47}

    h2 {margin:15px 0; font-size:1.70em; font-weight:bold; color:#383b47}

    h3 {margin:15px 0; font-size:1.25em; font-weight:bold}

    h4 {margin:15px 0; font-size:1.25em; font-weight:bold}

    h5 {margin-top:15px; font-weight:bold}


    ol {margin:15px 0 15px 25px; line-height:1.5em; list-style-type:decimal}

    ol li {margin:10px 0}



    General Classes



    .no_space {margin:0}



    Layout Styles



    #wrapper {overflow:hidden; width:918px; margin:0 auto}



    /* ================================================================

    This copyright notice must be untouched at all times.


    The original version of this stylesheet and the associated (x)html

    is available at http://www.cssmenus.co.uk

    Copyright © 2009- Stu Nicholls. All rights reserved.

    This stylesheet and the associated (x)html may be modified in any

    way to fit your requirements.

    =================================================================== */


    #headercontainer {margin:0 auto;}

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    /* Default link styling */

    /* Style the list OR link hover. Depends on which browser is used */

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    /* keep the 'next' level invisible by placing it off screen. */

    #horizontalmenu ul,

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    div.linkscolor {background-color:#f6f6f6; border:40px solid white;}

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    #resource img.center {display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:5px; clear:both; border:none;}


    #ie-warning {background: #FFFF00;border: 2px #CC0000;color: #000000;padding: 10px;font-size: 15px;margin-bottom: 10px;}

    #ie6-warning a {text-decoration: none;}


    /* Form Styles */

    input, textarea {width:350px}

    input#submit {width:auto; font-weight:bold}


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    a.name {text-decoration:none; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; color:#000;}


    a name {text-decoration:none; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; color:#000;}



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    .both {clear:both;}


    .bullet {padding:0px 6px 0px 6px; vertical-align:middle;}


    .bullet2 {padding:0px 6px 0px 6px; float:left;}


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    .linksimg {float:left;width:30%;}


    .linkstxt {float:right; width:60%; background-color:#f6f6f6; padding:10px; border:40px white solid;}


    h2.saythanks {margin-top:0px; font-size:2.25em; text-align:left; line-height:1.15em; color:#4485e6;}


    .grey {clear:both; margin-top:2px; padding:15px 15px; font-size:1.50em; color:#383b47; background:#fff url(../images/h2_bg.jpg) left bottom repeat-x}


    /*testing stuf*/


    h3.awards {clear:both; margin-top:2px; margin-left:10px; padding:20px 10px; font-size:1.50em; color:#383b47; background:#fff url(../images/h2_bg.jpg) left bottom repeat-x}




    End CSS file


    Can someone tell me why I am having this problem.



  2. You will probably get different opinions when it comes to Alexa rankings.


    From my perspective, I do not pay any attention to it for my sites anymore. That said, I do like to see it increasing. However, I have detailed stats of how many visitors I get and at the moment, for one of my sites the alexa ranking is over 600,000 and this sites gets over 15,000 unique visitors a month and when the site was only getting around 12,000 uniques it's ranking was under 250,000.


    What matters to me now is the money that I have coming into the bank for the site and looking at my visitors analytics. Alexa ranking is just an educated guess (well a little more than that, but you get the idea) of how my site is doing visitor wise. I have the real information already by just looking at google analytics.


    However, all that said, I do check Alexa rankings for competitor sites and for sites that I use for research purposes and I do use the ranking and links going into the site as a sort of gauge as to whether the site is an Authority site and whether it is worth my attention.


    I wouldn't spend to much time Alexa ranking gazing if I where you, it is a bit of a fruitless task and it can drive you crazy. Focus on your real stats through google analytics or whatever program you use.


    I have also read once that the rankings aren't really that accurate until you get under the 100,000 mark, but I don't know how true that is.


    Hope that helps...

  3. Hi,


    I just wanted to quickly address the recent spike in spam. Basically, I am looking at options to filter these guys as they post. Anyway, we now automatically remove the post when a user is marked as a spammer - making it easier for mods to clean things up, while making spam on this board useless.


    In retribution for the spamming, I am now looking for some local spammers (in Montreal) to beat the crap out of.







    If I catch any spammers in London, Uk, then they are dead meat (And I am a pretty big guy) ^_^


    And if you think my Avatar looks mean, you ain't seen nothing till you get on the wrong side of me... B)

  4. I have set up pages before without having a profile.


    When you set up a page at:




    Simply go through the options. Yes at the end if asks you whether you already have a facebook profile, but you don't go for this option.


    Go for the option where you "Don't have one" They are the only two options.


    Yes you will obviously need to provide email details etc, but you will not be set up as a personal profile.


    Once you have your page up and running, then there will be a tab at the top which will always be there (as far as I am aware) that says something like "Create Profile" that is where you would create a personal profile if you have to, but as far as I am aware you don't have to.


    I have created just a page in the past for one of my sites and used it as just a page for weeks and I could login to just the page, nothing to do with a "personal profile" it was a buisness page (therefore perhaps a business profile in some respect but definitely not personal).


    Later on I went on to creat a personal profile for this business page, but I didn't have to.


    That is my experience of it anyway, I am open minded to others telling me exactly how they "had to" creat a profile just to create a page.


    Now, one slight caveat here. The way facebook has set things up "IS" for you to create pages from personal profiles and you can create as many pages for different businesses as you like from within your personal profile.


    They would rather you do that than you create another account. In fact that is how they want you to do it. However, if it is for a client and not for you, then I would set it up as I said in the beginning because doing things this way will not be breaking their terms of use because you are not setting up the page for yourself as such and you are probably not going to be the administrator of the page long-term. (well that is my view anyway, you might want to check their terms of use for yourself).

  5. I could be totally off base here because as everyone here know I am just learning, however...


    It strikes me that the best thing to do is yes, work with percentages to some degree, but also set a minimum width so that you will not have that overlapping issue.

  6. Thanks makes sense now Susie. How you described it is how I have done it. I learned it from the videos in the killersites university. Intellectually I knew that it checked IE css after the first one because I put it after it, however, I just didn't think it had time to check all the way through the first one before moving onto the IE only one. These robots, there pretty quick I guess. :)

  7. Thanks everyone. You comments where all really useful.


    Susie, I didn't know that about just putting the few lines in there to make IE behave and I still don't know how that would work, but since you said it I am going to give it a try. I assumed because it was going to the IE stylesheet that it would not check the other one at all. That little bit of info you have just given me changes everything and makes things a lot more manageble.


    I think you are right Eddie when you say I need to look at my code. I am sure it must be something that I have done wrong that causes a couple of things to not look the same in IE. However, I spent a lot ot time trying to figure it out and I couldn't so I took the short cut... :( . I will go back and look at my code again though.


    Eric, thanks for that link, I will take a good look at it.

  8. Hi all,


    I don't think this is possible but I thought I would ask anyway.


    I have managed to create a separate style-sheet for one of my sites, and made it specific for some IE compatibility problems I was having and then I have linked to it using conditional comments in in the head section of each page.


    It all works beautifully. :clap:


    However, I was wondering if there was a way to put conditional comments straight into the current css file rather than creating a new style-sheet. As it stands I don't think this is possible because the particular comment tags used are not made for being inside style-sheets.


    However, I thought maybe there was a way.


    The reason I ask is because as it stands I would need to make sure everything I change in the future in the standard css is then replicated in the IE specific css, and it just means double the work. Anyone, know of a way around this?


    (I only implemented the IE conditional comments when my standard style sheet was virtually complete, for now, so there hopefully there will not be a lot of tweaks to either in the future).

  9. I am currently looking into this myself.


    I have always had PC's but I have just bought my daughter a MAC and I plan to buy one for myself in the near future.


    Being a PC user for the last 11 years or so I always made sure I had antivirus software on my PC, so I am finding it difficult to break the habit with my daughters MAC, even though I have read many times that they don't need them.


    I guess I have been brainwashed... :blink:


    Anyway, I noticed today that AVG seem to be offering some sort of free MAC option these days, has anyone tried this?

  10. Yep, I do it to avoid the search engines. Clients search for their name and wonder why their site shows up on discussion boards rather than in the actual search results. Obviously, since their site is new, it's not going to show up right away, but they don't always understand that.


    I also do it for the reason Wickham stated - I don't want my clients to see links to threads discussing problems with their sites.



    Yep, it does make sense.


    Because at the moment I am mainly focused on learning skills that will help me improve my own personal websites and build personal websites, it never really occured to me.

  11. Thanks for the replies Andrea and Eddie.


    One thing is obvious and that is that it isn't a big deal. You both still manage to build websites and they don't come crumbling down because of the <br> tag.


    Anyway, in the course I think that it mentioned to use this tag very sparingly.


    Interesting difference of opinion though on the old <br> tag, inline or not inline, block or not block?


    I am not going to worry about it anymore. (not that I was worrying anyway, I just wanted to know :blink: )

  12. I don't know what the video you saw says, bit <br> is just a line break - I think it's neither block nor inline element: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#h-7.5.3


    The video I am referring to is in Part 4 of the Web Design 1, section about 5 minutes and 50seconds in, block tags are talking about and on screen it has a list of HTML block level tags which include <div>, <p>,<blockquote> and a bunch of other tags and the <br> tag is also in that list. This is why I was confused.

  13. In my case, the site is my personal website. If perspective clients search my domain or biz name these links show up. I would prefer that only related links to their search show up and not how to do web design etc.


    That makes perfect sense. Since this is the first web design type forum I have ever joined, it never occured to me before.


    Thanks for the clarification.

  14. Thank you for looking. Thats good to know. MODS can you please edit out that link please from the above post? And no links to my site please.


    Above is a quote from Eric from another thread. I didn't want to post this there because I would be taking Eric's thread off topic. But what Eric said is something I have noticed on this forum before that people don't tend to put links to their actual site when they are asking questions, they tend to use a tiny url or something.


    Is there a particular reason for this that I should know about?


    On IM forums I never show my websites but on webdesign type forums, I didn't think it would be a problem.


    What are others thoughts on this?

  15. Hi,


    I finally decided to try Google Chrome on the Mac ... and I have to say, it is much faster than Firefox. I even found Flash runs better in Chrome.


    .. Using Chrome 9.057




    when I get my MAC (a few months down the line yet) I think I will have to try it.


    You have got me curious as to whether it is quicker on my normal XP computer.


    I will give this ago.


    clear: both belongs to a block level element, not a <br>




    I just wanted to get a little bit of clarification.


    I was just watching on of the videos on the university and I thought that <br> was described as a block level element.


    To me it is a bit inbetween, it isn't really block level and it isn't really inline.


    But officially which one is it?

  17. I have completed my master css page. I'm transferring my site from tables to css and my IE6 (via IE tester) gives me an error message 50% of the time and wont load the page. Can you please test on yours or better yet a native IE6? Thanks for looking! It's one of three things. 1) PIE.htc 2) too big of page in combo with PIE.htc 3) or my IE tester is thowing fits.


    Test page... http://goo.gl/DEbPO


    PS. Thats by far my biggest page load in the site. It has 100 images in that photo gallery. The other pages load more snappy.


    Hi Eric,


    I had a quick looking using IE Tester,

    http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage (which Ben suggested to me once)


    The page looked fine. However, when it was loading I got a script error:




    Error: Object Expected

    Code: 0


    But this error might be to do with my IE settings. Don't know, I am still a novice, you probaby have a much better idea than me what it means.


    But when I pressed okay, the page seemed fine.


    Hope that helps in someway.

  18. Hi all,


    The learning never ends when it comes to CSS. :blink:


    I am simply trying to accomplish having two images with text in the middle, something like this:


    <img src="#" title="left side image">This is the text<img src="#" title="right side image">


    I have tried different things such as putting things in div's and using display:line, I tried "positioning" them, but nothing seems to work properly.


    Everything needs to be in a line and left image on the left, text in the middle, right image on the right.




    But not simple enough for me it would seem.



  19. Javascript, here i come... ;)


    I think we are destined to be twins. :rolleyes:


    We joined this site at roughly the same time and I am just starting on the Javascript stuff as well. I am Going through the killersite University stuff as well as the w3schools stuff. A combination of the two should give me all I need to be able to do what I need to do for now.


    I have a goal of mastering, HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP, this year. I feel like I have to; I can't afford to get someone else to make changes to some of my sites and one site/community in particular that I am just about to launch uses a normal css website for the front end then I have phpfox for the community and vbulletin for the forum on the backend and it is to expensive to get experts to sort out any issues with these software and it sometimes takes to long to wait for replys from their forums. So needs must. :D

  20. So from what you've written, I guess all you're asking is you can't use margin:auto to center the stuff? I just tried it and it works fine.


    Hi BeeDev,


    Sorry I didn't see your reponse last time, yep I can see that you are probably right, I think it was a slight glitch in my editor software that currently is making certain things look uncentered. Thanks for that. However, I know I probably didn't make it clear enough, but that was only part of my problem.


    Hi Joe, I managed to make something :ahem, cough: not half bad using example G from here:

    http:(remove space)//www.alistapart.com/articles/css-positioning-101/. (Refer last post here: http://www.killersites.com/community/index.php?/topic/4489-how-to-make-a-web-site-the-lazya-waycheat-sheet/page__pid__22542#entry22542). Example E looks just right to me for your needs. Try playing around with the positioning and sizes in that, hopefully you will be able to adapt it to your needs.


    Thanks again mzsade,


    I didn't have a chance to look over everything but by spending about 25 minutes absorbing what the article you recommended from the 'alistapart' website said I was able to get my head around it. Fantastic article and written in a really engaging way that explains the concepts better than I have come across before. I did have a big "a-ah!" moment while reading it.


    Anyway, problem fixed. In short I used positioning instead of floating and I put the 4 images into a "relatively" positioned container and then I "absolutely" positioned them. There is still I slight think I need to figure out, but all in all, I have turned a bit of a corner - I think... :clap:


    Thanks everyone for your help.

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