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Everything posted by Adversary

  1. Thats the training videos I was talking about Administrator. I might download them next week when I have more time to learn. Thanks to administrator and falkencreative for feedback.
  2. Ive seen the 4 videos on how to learn making webpages. I learned something, and are hungry for more. One thing that truly anoyed me, was that it was spent to much time talking about basic stuff like how to make a txt file for windows users. I wonder if any newbeginners on computers want to start webdesigning. Anyway, I would like to download (yes, buy first, then download), but not sure if the explaning of that ovious things will continue to be talked about. Anyone know how the videoes are the next 3,5 hours? I hope that when we are learning more HTML coding and so on, that it is less on how to use the computer, and more details on how and why to building a webpage.
  3. All done in flash? Wouldt that take a lot of computer for the average user? I dont want the game to demand to much of the computer of the players, I want it to run smooth as possible. Do I need to know something with Photoshop, HTML, CSS or anything else? Im not sure if I want to do it all in flash. But what do I know? Im here to get tip from other people, that might have more experience then my self.
  4. I am trying to make my own browsergame, and I wonder before I learn anything, what people sugest I learn so I can make a good game. What programs do I need to be able to use? Any thing at all would help me alot.
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