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    Iowa Park, TX

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  1. dgow13

    Email Confirmation

    Fixed it. I added $email = '$email'; to the top of the form and $success = mail($email, $interest, $body, $headers); to the bottom. <?php /* subject & email veriables */ $webMaster = 'dgow@simplewebs13.com'; $email = '$email'; /* date veriables */ $name = $_REQUEST['name']; $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $phone = $_REQUEST['phone']; $interest = $_REQUEST['interest']; $date = $_REQUEST['date']; $message = $_REQUEST['message']; $body = <<<EOD <table width="500"> <tr><td> Point Blank CHL Class Registration Confirmation <td><tr> </table> <br><hr><br> <table width="500"> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Full Name:<td/>$name </tr> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Email:<td/>$email </tr> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Phone Number:<td/>$phone <tr/> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Class Registration:<td/>$interest <tr/> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Class Date:<td/>$date <tr/> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Special Instructions:<td/>$message <tr/> </table> <br><hr><br> <table width="500"> <tr><td> <font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; color: gray; ">&copy Copyright 2013 - <a href="http://company.com">company.</a> All Rights Reserved.</font> <td><tr> </table> EOD; $headers = "From: $email\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; $success = mail($webMaster, $interest, $body, $headers); $success = mail($email, $interest, $body, $headers); include ('register.success.php'); ?>
  2. dgow13

    Email Confirmation

    I actually left out the question, sorry. Need help adding the confirmation email to this script.
  3. dgow13

    Email Confirmation

    I have an email form that I have used for awhile. The php process page sends the form data to whoever is listed in the webmaster email. It work fine. I need to add a confirmation email within the script so that whoever fills out the form. Any suggestions? Here is the register.process.php script. <?php /* subject & email veriables */ $webMaster = 'dgow@simplewebs13.com'; /* date veriables */ $name = $_REQUEST['name']; $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $phone = $_REQUEST['phone']; $interest = $_REQUEST['interest']; $date = $_REQUEST['date']; $message = $_REQUEST['message']; $body = <<<EOD <table width="500"> <tr><td> Class Registration Submission Form <td><tr> </table> <br><hr><br> <table width="500"> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Full Name:<td/>$name </tr> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Email:<td/>$email </tr> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Phone Number:<td/>$phone <tr/> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Class Registration:<td/>$interest <tr/> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Class Date:<td/>$date <tr/> <tr><td style="width: 160px"/>Special Instructions:<td/>$message <tr/> </table> <br><hr><br> <table width="500"> <tr><td> <font style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; color: gray; ">&copy Copyright 2013 - <a href="http://company.com">company.</a> All Rights Reserved.</font> <td><tr> </table> EOD; $headers = "From: $email\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; $success = mail($webMaster, $interest, $body, $headers); include ('register.success.php'); ?>
  4. I googled and also searched EW and was able to locate in EW site settings that i needed to change the php view path to: C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0\php-cgi.exe. They do not tell you this. You're on your own. After reconfiguring settings in EW I saved my file, clicked to view page in localhost and got this message: Connection successful Welcome to MySQL database testing page. I had to use the password after "localhost','root','password' for it to work. I changed 'root' to 'roota' as he did in the video and got the correct error message.
  5. I always have the websites and files in my "My Websites" folders whether they're html of php. The problem with selecting a version of PHP... it doesn't give me any options at all. Also, when I click ok without choosing anything it connects me to Microsoft Expression Development Server, localhost 5595. Then when I click on the phpmyadmin I get an error message and I am locked out. It isn't even the same phpmyadmin where i have all my databases at.
  6. When you open up your wampserver home page do you have files in the "Your Project" area? I do not. I created a new site called php demo. I installed the code and tried to open up the localhost. I get a window that pops up saying: "you need to select a version of PHP in the application option dialog. I click on it and I have no idea what to choose. I am about ready to call it quits. things shouldn't be this hard for me to understand.
  7. Yes. When i click on the localhost from within the wampserver menu, it opens up the wampserver homepage
  8. I opened up a new php page to follow along with the tutorial. I then installed wamp (tried to follow the video instructions but what he did and what my options were while instralling it, were not the same). wamp says all the services are running but when you hover over the icon it says it is off line. When I open up the page in the localhost it says: "Welcome to my MySQL database connection test page." Whwn I open it up online, after uploading it, it says: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/mychild/public_html/database.php on line 10 Could not connect: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) I checked my database for privileges and root, localhost are there.
  9. I am watching some of the videos of PHP and MySQL: Connecting. I have been watching video part 3 for over an hours now, typing in everything just as he does on the screen, multiple times, without the same success. I am placing the code below if someone would like to help. <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <title>Untitled 1</title> <?php $my_connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', ''); if (!$my_connection) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo 'Connection successful' . '<br><br>'; mysql_close($my_connection); ?> </head> <body> Welcome to my MySQL database connection test page. </body>
  10. We are going to use PayPal to handle the payment processing. I have the form and the database built so far. I am working out the bugs. I am hesitant to send you a link on this forum.
  11. I have the design / layout that I want but, nothing else. I set it up like I would a contact form just to see what the layout would look like.
  12. I'm using EW4. I want to have new members create a new account and then make their payment before their confirmation email is sent to them. Where should i start?
  13. dgow13

    Email client

    Thanks. I am looking at Vertical Response to send them out. It is between $10.00 & $30.00 per month, depending on the quantity you send. I was just checking to see all my options before I committed to a program. Thanks again.
  14. dgow13

    Email client

    I'm not sure this is even the forum for something like this but, I am wanting to send out an email design to try to create more business... pick up new clients. I used Exp Design to create the graphic and then inserted it into my email as part of a signature. Is there a way to send these emails out in mass without signing up for a service?
  15. Moved here about 12 yrs ago to be closer to my wife's parents... not my first choice. We came from the west coast area. I originally built my site before I started learning css, php, flash and now jquery. I am trying to clean up and reorganize while learning new things and building clients websites. Not enough time in the day to finish everything. The flash file included the text when I first built it but, then I removed it and kept the size... putting the text over it. I can resize the flash but I wanted to try and find a solution to this ie problem. It appears there are more than just myself with this problem. IE creates problems that firefox and chrome don't have. Any other advice on this problem?
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