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Everything posted by quyen

  1. Did you mean something like this: http://qwebdesign.net/demos/test.html or something else?
  2. Hi, It works fine here. Could you send me the link to your website? or some how I can view your code. Quyen,
  3. Thanks for your comments, I always can change the background image if my client requests. Quyen,
  4. Hi, I've just had a look at your code, and my suggestion is: Put this code into your Css: label{ vertical-align: top; } In case you have some questions, visit http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_vertical-align.asp website. Goodluck! Quyen,
  5. Brisbane :( raining rain

  6. Hi EvaBrown, Sorry about the missing images, I've updated them all and now they are ready to view. I can't leave a normal link here for some reasons but you might work it out how to paste and fix the links to your web browser. Thanks a lot for your comments. Have a good day, Quyen,
  7. Thank you for you comments, I will go through all of these errors and hopefully my partner can handle these. Actually he was the one who work with the coding on this site. I appreciate your advice. Quyen,
  8. Hi Andrea, As I mentioned to you before about my new project - Rosa bakery. I am still doing it, it's almost done. I want to say thank to you all for your comments and feedback. This is my trial running version - h tt p://rosabakery.c om.vn/htdocs/?page=home&lang=en#?page=home I am still working on this product - So it will be very helpful if you guys can share some of your comments for my trial version. Quyen,
  9. Hi, Thank you very much for your comments, I should not keep update them up here because of some rules of this forum. If you are interested in my website templates, I will send you a notice whenever I finish my new designs. Thanks again, Quyen
  10. I will update the coding soon when i finish, I appreciate your feedback! Have a nice day! Quyen,
  11. Hi again, Ok, I understand the reasons why you guys have to deactive all the links. As I said before that I am upgrading my website, that's why I put a sign on my website says "Temporary under construction". I am designing some new projects, and I've just finished designing these projects in the .psd files,right? I just want to receive some comments and feedback for the layouts. That's all. If you don't trust me then here are some of my designs: w ww. mondogelato.co m.vn w ww. classico.co m.vn I don't really want to spend too much time to post something like this. If you don't allow us to do this, then we have to leave. Quyen,
  12. OK, that's fine, I just wondering why you guys have to do this? You should remove the "insert link" function then. I just can't believe this, you join to a forum but cannot share anything!
  13. Hi, Thanks a lot for your feedback! Check out some more on qwe bdesign.net [remove spaces] actually I am upgrading my website, but you still can see some of my new designs. Quyen,
  14. Hello everyone, I've just finished some new website templates on -- w ww. qwe bdesign.net [remove spaces] I would like to get some feedback from Killersites.com's members. Thank you very much! Quyen,
  15. Keep up with my new designs at qwe bdesign.net [remove spaces]. I would like to receive your comments and feedback for my designs. Thanks all.
  16. quyen

    include common code

    Hi, I am not sure about your foreach "(get_xml_face() as $product) " ,so I just try this simple example with include or require, I don't know if this can help you a bit! File test.php: <?php function render_data($arr) { $output = ''; return $output; } $arr = array("Homepage","About Us","Portfolio","Help"); print render_data($arr); ?> Here is the file that I use to include or require include.php: <?php for($i= 0; $i<=3; $i++){ $output .= ''.$arr[$i]; $output .= ''; } ?> Quyen,
  17. quyen

    empty content?

    You are welcome!
  18. quyen

    include common code

    Hello, you can use "require", "include" to include files. Its pretty hard to look at your code right now, next time could you please put it in Your php code will show here and also share us a full php file. Did you mean that is there anyone can help you to find the common code from your example and put it in a new file? so later you can reuse this file? Or did you mean something else? Quyen,
  19. quyen

    empty content?

    Hi again, Could you please send me the php file, and I will try to edit it for you. Or you can try this: $bno = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['branch_id'])); $street = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['street']); $area = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['area'])); $city = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['city'])); $postcode = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['postcode'])); $telno = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['tel'])); $faxno = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['fax'])); Note: branch_id, street, area, city, postcode, tel, fax have to be exacly the same with form_component_name (I am not sure what do they look like now after you edit). In the code above, for example your input text is : ....do the same to other components. Or you can try to read this page, very basic and simple, also easy to understand : http://w3schools.com/php/php_post.asp Goodluck! Quyen,
  20. quyen

    empty content?

    Hello Taksi10, I think the problem comes from the form. Check your function renderForm() again, and also give the input fields different names. I hope that will help! Quyen,
  21. Hello everyone, Thanks a lot for your all replies, I do want to post all the coding which are require or include for you, but I'm wondering that my php pages are quite long, I hope you guys can understand all. Please let me know if there is anything wrong. Sorry I didn't comment much in my php code, I should do that but sorry i am too busy. If you need any futher information, let me know pls. Thanks a lot again "The main problem occurs in menu_manager.php file, I think" Quyen, file content.php: <?php if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])){ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=no_permission"); } else{ if(isset($_GET["content"])){ $content = $_GET["content"]; switch($content){ case "home": break; case "menus": require_once("menu_manager.php"); break; case "users": require_once("user_manager.php"); break; case "portfolio": break; case "cart": break; } } } ?> file menu_manager.php: <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM menu ORDER BY last_edit DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); if($cnt_records){ $per_page = 10; $start = 0; $num_of_page = ceil($cnt_records/$per_page); if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $get_request = $_GET['page']; if($get_request!="") { $start = ($get_request-1) * $per_page; } else { $start = 0; } } else{ } ?> <?php if($num_of_page >=2){ ?> Page: Select one <?php for($index=1;$index <= $num_of_page;$index++) { if($get_request == $index) { echo "$index "; } else { echo "$index "; } } ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['page'])){ $selected = $_POST['page']; for($index=1;$index <= $num_of_page;$index++) { if($get_request == $selected) { header("location: index.php?content=menus&page=$selected"); } else { header("location: index.php?content=menus&page=$selected"); } } } ?> <?php } ?> Item: Select one <?php if($cnt_records){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <?php print $row['name']."--"; if($row['type']==0){print "B";}else{print "F";} ?> <?php } } ?> Quick launch: Select one All Back-End Front-End Published Un-Published Delete Published None Select All Add <?php if(!isset($_GET['act'])){ require_once("menu_content.php"); } else{ $action = $_GET['act']; switch($action){ case"item": if(isset($_POST['menu_id'])){ $menu_id = $_POST['menu_id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id' "; $result_items = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result_items); if($cnt_records){ ?> IDGroupNameLink name OrderingPublishedDetailsEditDelete# <?php } } break; case "pos": if(isset($_POST['pos'])){ $ordering= $_POST['pos']; $menu_id = $_POST['menu_id']; $last_edit = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $query = "UPDATE menu SET ordering = '$ordering',last_edit = '$last_edit' WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id' "; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); if($result){ header("location: index.php?content=menus"); } } break; case 'formAdd': require_once("menu_adding_form.php"); break; case 'add': $type = $_POST['type']; $name = $_POST['name']; $link_to = $_POST['link_to']; $ordering = $_POST['ordering']; $created_date = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $last_edit = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); if(isset($_POST['published'])){ $status = 1; } else{ $status = 0; } if($name == ""){ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=empty"); } else{ $table = "menu"; $cols = "menu_id,type,name,link_to,ordering, status,created_date,last_edit "; $values = "'','$type','$name','$link_to','$ordering', '$status','$created_date','$last_edit' "; $query = "INSERT INTO menu ($cols) VALUES ($values) "; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ header("location: index.php?content=menus"); } else{ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=not_insert"); } } break; case "more": if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $menu_id = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id' "; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); if($cnt_records > 0){ require("menu_editing_form.php"); } } break; case "edit": $menu_id = $_POST['menu_id']; $type = $_POST['type']; $name = $_POST['name']; $link_to = $_POST['link_to']; $ordering = $_POST['ordering']; $last_edit = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); if(isset($_POST['published'])){ $status = 1; } else{ $status = 0; } if($name == ""){ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=empty"); } else{ $set = "type = '$type', name = '$name', link_to = '$link_to', ordering = '$ordering', status = '$status', last_edit = '$last_edit' "; $query = " UPDATE menu SET $set WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id' "; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ header("location: index.php?content=menus"); } else{ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=not_updated"); } } break; case "delete": if(!isset($_GET['id'])){} else{ $menu_id = $_GET['id']; $query = "DELETE FROM menu WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id'; "; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ header("index.php?content=menus"); } else{ print mysql_error(); header("alert_box.php?opt=delete_error"); } } break; case "status": if(isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_GET['cur'])){ $menu_id = $_GET['id']; $last_edit = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $current_status = $_GET['cur']; if($current_status == 0){ $status = 1; } elseif($current_status == 1){ $status = 0; } else{ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=no_permission"); } $query = "UPDATE menu SET status = '$status', last_edit = '$last_edit' WHERE menu_id = $menu_id "; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ header("location: index.php?content=menus&page=1"); } else{ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=not_updated"); } } break; } } } ?> Required files: menu_list.php <?php print $row['menu_id']?> <?php if($row['type'] == 1){ print "Front-end"; } else{ print "Back-end"; } ?> <?php print $row['name'];?> <?php print $row['link_to'];?> <?php print $row['ordering']; $current_id = $row['menu_id']; ?> <?php if(!isset($_GET['act'])){ } else{ ?> Select <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM menu"; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); for($i= 1; $i<= $cnt_records; $i++){ ?> <?php print $i;?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if($row['status'] == 1){ print "Yes "; } else{ print " No "; } ?> Detail Edit Delete menu_adding_form.php Add a new menuitemGroup of menu Front-End Back-End Menuitem nameLink to Home page About Us Web Designs Web Templates Contact Us Shopping Cart Menus Users Ordering <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM menu"; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); for($i= 1; $i<= $cnt_records; $i++){ print ''.$i.''; } ?> <?php print $cnt_records + 1?> Published Enter or click menu_editing_form.php Detail of menuitems " <?php print $menu_id; ?> "Group of menu <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <?php $menu_id = $row['menu_id']; $type = $row['type']; $name = $row['name']; $link_to = $row['link_to']; $status = $row['status']; $ordering = $row['ordering']; $created_date = $row['created_date']; $last_edit = $row['last_edit']; if($type == 0){ print "Back-End"; } else{ print "Front-End"; } ?> <?php } if($type == 0){ ?> Front-End <?php } else{ ?> Back-End <?php } ?> Menuitem nameLink to <?php print $link_to;?> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM menu WHERE link_to <> '$link_to' ORDER BY ordering ASC "; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); if($cnt_records){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $type = $row['type']; ?> <?php print $row['link_to']."--"; if($type == 0){ print "Back"; } else{ print "Front"; } ?> <?php } } ?> Ordering <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM menu"; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); for($i= 1; $i<= $cnt_records; $i++){ $start = $i + 1; ?> selected="selected" <?php }?>> <?php print $i;?> <?php } ?> Published checked<?php } ?> /> Created on <?php print $created_date; ?> Last edited <?php print $last_edit ; ?> Enter or click
  22. are you selecting form the same table or from two different tables? You can build your select query better with sub-query. and make your code more simple and easy to handle. I think you are selecting from 1 table (or even 2 tables), the thing is you want to delete the records where the conditions are true, you can also use: if(condition1 && condition2){ } else{ } Quyen,
  23. Yeah this is my php code: it may show you something easy to understand. case 'formAdd': require_once("menu_adding_form.php"); break; case 'add': $type = $_POST['type']; $name = $_POST['name']; $link_to = $_POST['link_to']; $ordering = $_POST['ordering']; $created_date = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $last_edit = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); if(isset($_POST['published'])){ $status = 1; } else{ $status = 0; } if($name == ""){ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=empty"); } else{ $table = "menu"; $cols = "menu_id,type,name,link_to,ordering, status,created_date,last_edit "; $values = "'','$type','$name','$link_to','$ordering', '$status','$created_date','$last_edit' "; $query = "INSERT INTO menu ($cols) VALUES ($values) "; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ header("location: index.php?content=menus"); } else{ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=not_insert"); } } break; case "more": if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $menu_id = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id' "; $result = mysql_query($query); $cnt_records = mysql_num_rows($result); if($cnt_records > 0){ require("menu_editing_form.php"); } } break; case "edit": $menu_id = $_POST['menu_id']; $type = $_POST['type']; $name = $_POST['name']; $link_to = $_POST['link_to']; $ordering = $_POST['ordering']; $last_edit = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); if(isset($_POST['published'])){ $status = 1; } else{ $status = 0; } if($name == ""){ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=empty"); } else{ $set = "type = '$type', name = '$name', link_to = '$link_to', ordering = '$ordering', status = '$status', last_edit = '$last_edit' "; $query = " UPDATE menu SET $set WHERE menu_id = '$menu_id' "; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ header("location: index.php?content=menus"); } else{ header("location: alert_box.php?opt=not_updated"); } } break; Thanks a lot Quyen,
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