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Posts posted by wolfkin

  1. As part of the website I'm working on we have what can best be described as a blog. Only we update it by hand. The organizer generally edits a simple text file (txt) which is included in a PHP document. The problem is that he doesn't know HTML so he edits it as a document and I go in after and add line breaks and a few style elements.


    I'm looking for a program I can give him so that he can type as normal but saves in HTML. If it's easy enough to use I can take care of the style stuff with CSS and probably show him how to upload it properly.

  2. I'm trying to work with the starter CSS file and I'm trying to shift the menu to the right.

    The problems at the moment are

    1- the list is double spaced. It doesn't look too bad now but the real list is going to have 4-5 more items in it and it'll be way too long.

    2- the menu doesn't move horizontally. the child li are just overlapping.


       /* --- Main Menu - ala suckerish --- */
       #menu {
       font-size: 1.8em;
       #menu ul {
       list-style: none;
       #menu li {
       float: right;
       clear: both;
       #menu a {
       display: block;
       width: 10em;
       #menu a:hover {
       background: #3CD8D7
           /* child menu */
           #menu li ul {
           position: absolute;
           width: 10em;
           top: -999em;
           left: -999em;
           #menu li:hover ul, #menu li.hover ul {
           top: auto;
           left: auto;


    CSS and HTML



    1 - alright i went into typography and noticed that li was given some padding taking that out seems to have solved that problem. I don't know if it'll have any cascading effects else where but i'll deal with that when I need to deal with it.

  3. I remember among the many tutorials a method for defining the starting path of relative links.


    Ok I found what I'm looking for the BASE attribue


    out of curiosity is it a good idea to use it or not? I was reading some of the CSS tutorials that suggested it would be better to use ID instead of CLASS all the time. Is it the same sort of situation with BASE?

  4. Alright so I'm trying to decipher an "Accordion Content script".


    Basically it's a list of offices and when you click an office it expands to give a short paragraph detailing the responsabilities


    - President
    - Vice-President
    - Secretary
    - President
    + Vice President
    The Vice-President is tasked with taking over the role of President should the 
    President become unable to perform his duties
    - Secretary


    My current goal is to add an image of the person for each office. Right now I'm using a 100x100 placeholder image and with some floating help, I've been able to get the pictures to show up on the left. The paragraph wraps nicely to the right.


    The problem is that the 'paragraphs' are very short. The next title is often showing up to the right of the image.


    It looks some thing like this:

    - President
    xxxxxxx  The role of the President is to guide us 
    xxxxxxx  and make sure we do nothing wrong
    xxxxxxx  - Vice President
    - Secretary


    Here's the CSS for the image

    .headshot { /* head shots of office holder */
    float: left;
    width: 100px;
    margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
    background-color: #d4d2d2;
    padding: 5px;

    I was hoping the clear would push the next office title below it but all that does is prevent the images from doing a little step like shift to the right.


    Here's a sample from the html

    John Doe
    We put much emphasis on the comfort and warmth that members and visitors feel when coming into the House. Their mandate is to welcome you, serve you and forward any of your questions or concerns.
    Ushers board
    John Doe
    This ministry is imperative to order. Their goal is to keep order within the sanctuary.


    In addition to that I'm having problem changing the class name. 'technology' and 'thelanguage' don't really explain anything and get lose in the sea of CSS selectors.

  5. you know I was skeptical because the list of colors doesn't help what I'm trying to do at all and I have Nattyware's Pixie to get hex but you know I gave the web developer toolbar a shot and while it doesn't so what I asked for it looks like it can do what I didn't even dream of doing. I think I can work better with that than I thought.


    Anyway thanks to virtual and newseed for responding.




    E: nm I found the persist option

  6. for my second question. This one is probably pretty simple but as I said before I'm trying to rewrite the web page and the code appears to me (based on what I know and what I've learned) to be a mess. I'm pretty sure the body tag doesn't even have a padding alignment and color classes have inline colors added to them leading to stuff like this


    it might make sense in a weird sort of unnecessarily redundant way but the color for bluetext is #3888bc and as far as I can see every single instance is has the additional color added.


    I would like to ask if there's a tool (windows preferably portable) that I can use to find out what color these codes respond to? There are a ton of tools to convert colors to hex but I can't find any that do the reverse. The best I can do is some color scheme websites like TheManInBlue

  7. First off some of your stickies look fascinating. Like many I'm new to this. I've read about 3-4 books cover to cover on CSS/XHTML but this is the first time I've had something to actually use it on.


    I'm managing a church website and I don't know what was going on before but the site appears to me to be a mess. For my first step I'm trying to basically rewrite the website. If I can get a few basic problems solve this should be very doable and the result will be something much easier to work with.


    My first "How do I replicate this" question is how to do get text on the left and right side of the page.


    Originally it was a table (everything is tables within tables) two columns one left aligns one right aligned so it looks like


    www.site.com                 home | contact | info


    do I have to use tables or is there a way to do this with CSS? I've been trying to mess with text-align and span/div but I can't get the two sections to seperate

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