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Posts posted by AndaleTheGreat

  1. i had pretty exactly the same setup, Wickham's suggestion is exactly what i'd have come up with (more or less, mine would have just been 'use float')

    I also don't think I've used 'float: auto' anywhere

    I would also like to suggest a few ideas to you. I found I could make something much cleaner without sacrificing a lot of time by using the GUIstuff com Flash Navibar generator.

    I also had (but had forgot) a copy of the Amara - Flash Menu Builder and then found a friend with the AllWebMenus program. I used AWM in the end cuz it looked best, but I honestly wanted to change because I felt like there was too much extra work in the css/html style



    ok, time for bed, i was trying to submit by hitting ctrl+s. i've been editing waaay too much tonight

  2. good, cuz i spent all morning messing with frames and i am in over my head a bit

    i definitely have a headache from it and now my test version of the site looks like shite


    well i've read thru your links and while i agree that frames suck (and always have) I still don't know that there's anything else I can do. For now I have developed a nice looking flash menu to replace the current one and I guess that'll do

  3. just so folks know, i am not looking for direct answers, just a vaguely guiding hand


    and on that note i'd like to share that i've found exactly the 2 tutorials i needed (in case anyone else ever stumbles across here)

    one for the flash setup (not really a tutorial) but it gives you Flash NavBar Generator, the site is GUIstuff com

    the other site is webdevelopersnotes com cuz they've got some great tutorials for advanced html stuff (like frames)

  4. maybe it's just me, but your logo still has the white border.

    I copied it to Photoshop with 'copy image' in firefox, got this weirdly tall and all black square.

    I used Print Screen from the 'view image' option and pasted it to PS again, this time when i zoomed in i found the problem, you have little gray edges everywhere

    My 2 suggestions are:

    Create your image WITH the background already there, it's all web-colors so just use the same hex, this avoids your text having an awkward fade to white. This will prevent similar problems in the future if you just always do it. If you use Photoshop or anything else with layer functions then you can always have an editable original.

    Secondly, your text image is hugely tall. The first thing I noticed when I opened the site is how long the quote on the right went down and was surprised to find a whole sight located waaaay down there. Figure out your image size you need.

  5. DaybreakPhotography dot org

    I know there are some current issues on the site, not looking into that right now (tho feel free to pm notes to me).


    My questions are:

    Do you think the following idea is actually worth the time? / Necessary?


    Can I make it so that most of the site is within a frame and navigated by flash (or whatever)?


    My reasons are:

    To add a little eye candy to the menus.

    To prevent that 'full page', 'load from nothing' flash of white background that always occurs. I think it's ugly and distracting.

  6. well, i've given up hope on using my comcast ftp storage as a host and now i'm going ahead and paying the 4/mnth for hosting. I only avoided it cuz I feel stupid paying 4 bucks a month to host less than 200 megs of data, but with comcast causing me some unforeseen troubles I can no longer just host at home.

  7. So I've been having trouble lately with trying to run my site from home. Everything is set up correctly (I think) but it seems like I can no longer access it from non-local sources. I also can't test this method at home because of that... what's it called? NAT redirect? Where your trying to check a site with your actual domain but it's hosted locally.

    Anyway, I was thinking about using my available space on comcast. I was wondering if anyone knows a legal reason why I couldn't (cuz I don't see one, but comcast tends to make rules up as they go, claiming they were 'implied') and I wondered if anyone (like user SPOCK) is utilizing their comcast space for their site as well.

    I tried to just copy my entire site into place, but when I loaded it up it all my photos links disappeared, leading me to blame it on them being in folders, but then I realized all my css files are in folders too.

    Everything but links to the photos works, and no changes seem to help it.

    example photo link

    NOTE: this is better formatted in HTML-kit, don't know why it looks like that

                  "" rel="floatboxgroup">
  8. okay... ?:/?

    well, whatever it was i couldn't tell you. I'm not very good at side by side comparison when text is on-screen. I used your tidied version of my index page and rebuilt the photo pages from that, adding one element at a time, until it was there. I also scrapped my css files for the photo pages and used the ones from index.

    I could probably combine these but felt it would be easier to keep all my photo pages linked to one css file and the other pages to their own in case i needed to customize a page. I also felt this would guarantee uniformity across pages.




    So awesome!! Thanks to the help here and several posts/threads already on the site I have got the look I wanted (except that STUPID gap won't go away) and have my 3 test pages all validating correctly for html and 2 of them for css. I don't think I can worry about the photo gallery css being validated since I think it's entirely due to confusion caused by floatbox.

  9. well, your all right. This is my first web page since they made me make one in high school back in '97. :)

    The flash was a mockup as I did not have the original files yet. As far as size I think people will realize "it's a photographer's gallery and therefore high quality" so I planned on large files in the end.

    Thelma - I actually do appreciate your points and would eventually have probably asked a general opinion (if there's a directory here for those requests).

    newseed - As far as design I used a template. I created this in one of my free comcast sites then made it my own. Everything was going well until I really started hacking it apart when I created the footer, then I fixed it, then I noticed an error HTML-kit said I was missing a

    so I added it, it broke the layout, took it out, it fixed the layout.


    Personally, I hate IE and a monetary supporter of FF, plus I could care less if the site is nothing but a bruise if you use IE to look at it, but I do know better than to disclude it in the end. I would fix it for IE7 as well right now if I had any idea as to what's wrong, but I remove IE from my windows install as it is and the IETab for FF is only IE6 I'm pretty sure.

    My goal for now has been to get the site going in any form. Obviously I don't plan on running from andale.homeip.net:9595 forever.


    jlhaslip - don't know what u changed, would like to know since it is from my index page instead of the code above. Sorry I didn't note which page.

    NOTE: The only pages I am working on are ../index.html ../Photos_weddings.htm & ../Contact.htm

    The page relative to me questions in this topic is ../Photos_weddings.htm


    Oh yeah, I made the red on red footer on purpose. I think the footer should be noticeable but not glaring. It contains the info necessary. I felt there was no need to push it into focus. I also realize that, in IE6, it just sits at bottom of the page.

  10. crap, sorry. i wasn't really awake when i put it up.


    sometimes the site is at http://andale.homeip.net:9595 (i been having issues with the dynamic ip rerouting)

    NOTE: the page I am fixing is ../Photos_weddings.htm




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    the photo may have nothing to link to, but it won't affect the red's existence

  11. every way i try it just kinda kills the floatbox function.

    o well. I don't even know if the site is up or not cuz i get loopback issues and can't check it from here, so it's not like you can compare my stuff.

    also it's always in the corner despite being in another div, i don't think this method is compatible with a gallery

  12. put 2 images in the same spot. The lower, a photo; the higher, a transparent .png.

    The idea is to set the png anchored to any corner of the photo. It would contain a watermark.

    The reason is I didn't want to go through 300 pics and place watermarks on them all.


    If sites still not working tell me, I can just post with [ code ]

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