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Everything posted by daquess

  1. You guys have helped me so much, you don't even know. I'm working on this site at it will be spectacular. probably coming this summer. To practice css I built the uPressed website, and I'm starting set-n-art's new site now. I did use dreamweaver for uPressed, but set-n-art will be from scratch. Just wanted to say thanks for the help and I'll repost if I can't figure something out or finish without a problem.
  2. thanks I really feel like I'm getting away from tables. And I've been trying to do that for a while. Haven't had a problem that I couldn't figure out so far. I will take you guys up on the offer if I do.
  3. Thanks I think I did find the link here. for anyone else who needs it www.killersites.com/web-design/videos/css-page-layout-comment.php This is the best, Thanks killersites and of course, newseed
  4. Can anyone tell me a better tutorial for css? I've search "many moons"(lol) and choosing styles for font - easy links/backgrounds/colors - not a problem but making tables with that.., how is that even possible??? Please help me find where I can learn what the "cascading" part of css is. if thats where tables are created. and of course HOW TO USE IT. Thanks in advance
  5. I'm not trying to "bleed" anyone dry, but I've learned more from this site than any tutorial site ever. So with all of the tutorials, "why am I posting in Web Designing?". 1. I first began learning html with the version 3.2.... (not surprised if everyone's saying 'Eww') 2. While I still learn a lot daily, tutorials don't answer the questions I don't understand. and 3. I'm still a noobie with designing. Here's a sample page from my site, which I built myself a few years ago, but now I'm incorporating some of my newly acquired knowledge. http://set-n-art.com/Services.html sorry you can't right click to view source, but view up top works fine. After you see, should I just start from scratch, or leave it alone and deal with it? I still don't know how to layout pages without tables, nor how to properly use the div tags. This is after many, many hours of tutorials that don't explain what I don't get. All html for the page I made in note book, then put on web, then fixed, then forced in div tags, and adjusted until this result.
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