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Posts posted by jlhaslip

  1. Depends on the input that you are trying to remove commas from.


    What does the original data look like? Could you use implode() to create a string from the array? and echo that?

  2. http://domains.whois.com/domain.php


    enter the IP address into the textare/input box on that site



    And yes, the auto increment should not be there because the data is not unique in the table.

    If anything, add another column to the table to auto increment as a record id, but the IP addy is not an auto increment field.


    As this script is written, it writes an entry into the DB for each page hit. You still need to have a script written to select/sort/sub-total the entries by IP or page for the data to be meaningful.

  3. Setting the system to parse html files as php is as simple as adding this line to your .htaccess file.


    AddType application/x-httpd-php .html  


    If you don't have an .htaccess file at present, simply create one in a good text editor and upload it to the root of the account.

    Yes, the period belongs there, and No, there is no file extension.


    Some systems will not allow you to see or save the file without an extension on the file (Mac). Simply save it as a .txt file, upload and rename the file.

  4. I would drop the "We Do", "We Use" stuff and emphasis the Feature as follows:

    * Walk-ins Welcome.

    * Full Service Salon

    * Best Stylists, to Care FOR You

    * Kid Friendly Salon

    * Games for the Kids, Get Your Service in Peace and Quiet

    * Our Clients are Treated Like Family

    * Best Products and Reasonable Prices

    * Mini Facials, Manicures and Pedicures

    * Over 60 years Combined Experience

    * In NC for over six years

  5. http://sonspring.com/journal/hoverbox-image-gallery


    And here is a Hoverbox that uses the script mentioned above.




    This particular example reads a Folder of images and randomly displays them in a Hoverbox.

    Refresh the screen to see the 'random' effct.

    You might rather read the entire Folder.

    The script is structured so that you can use small thumbnails to display medium size pictures on hover with the full-size on-click.

  6. Fairly dark design, but still very nice.


    I liked the Gallery of Photos and the multiple language selection.


    The multi languages causes some warnings about the space in the link tags, but not errors. I could not find any errors on the Contact page using Tidy in Firefox. There is often some disagreement between Tidy and the W3C.org html checker. I wouldn't worry about warnings, only errors.


    Have you seen the Hoverbox Gallery code? It does a larger image pop-up like yours, except centred on the thumbnail instead of at the top of the window. Might want to check it out. I wrote a php script that reads a folder and writes the Gallery if you need it, let me know.

  7. Needed to use a different technique to clear the content div.


    br />"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> 
    <br />    <br />body { <br />    margin: 0;<br />    padding: 0;<br /><br />    }<br />    <br />#content  {<br />    <br />    width: 490px;<br />    height: auto;<br />    border: 10px dotted #cff;<br />    padding: 2px;<br />    <br />    }<br />    <br />.col1, .col2, .col3 {<br />    float: left;<br />    width: 150px;<br />    height: 150px;<br />    border: 3px solid #000;<br />    background-color:#FFc;<br />    margin: 3px;<br />   <br />}<br /><br /><br />.clear:after{ <br />    content: "."; <br />    display: block; <br />    height: 0; <br />    font-size:0; <br />    clear: both; visibility:hidden; <br />    } <br />.clear {<br />    display: inline-block;<br />    } <br />    <br />/* Hides from IE Mac \*/ <br />* html .clear{<br />    height: 1%;<br />    } <br />.clear{<br />    display:block;<br />    } <br />/* End Hack */ <br /><br />
    Column 1 row 1
    Column 2 row 1
    Column 3 row 1
    Column 1 row 2
    Column 2 row 2
    Column 3 row 2
    Column 1 row 3
    Column 2 row 3
    Column 3 row 3


    More info on this clearing method can be found at http://csscreator.com/?q=attributes/containedfloat.php

  8. What you might need is a Log-in system to capture the Email addresses for those willing to participate in a Newsletter campaign. The newsletter should have an opt-in and an opt-out feature, or else, as Thelma suggests, the mail would be considered SPAM.

    I am not aware of any method to 'capture' emails from a visitor unless they willingly supply them. That would be rather un-ethical and there are limits to what you can do on a visitor's computer for security reasons.


    Would you like to have your email inbox crammed full every day? Didn't think so...

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