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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. Hello All, Having the usual problem of things lining up differently in IE than Firefox. I set the Div's up but for some reason the image in the second Div at http://www.greenhouseflorists.co.uk/weddings.html is not displaying right. It is the buttonhole one. Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  2. Hello All, I'm trying to set a site up and focusing in SEO. Can anyone tell me what these Meta Tags do and what is the best content for them. Thank you, Bestwishes Graeme
  3. Hello Again, I think I'm getting a little further thanks to the tutorial you recommended. I used the code on (release) { getURL("index.html"); } in both my enter button and skip buttons. Now the enter button is OK when it loads but the skip intro button does not. When I publish the file I get error messages which I think relates to the on (release){ line. Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  4. Hello IM, Thanks for your help with this. It's amazing because I was just thinking about you because you helped me with a similar problem before. Anyway, the buttons seem to be working except when I press the main one another web page opens saying it can't find the file on this server and two addresses of the target page appear in the address bar. My test site is at http://greenhouseflorists.co.uk/indextest.html Best wishes Graeme
  5. Hello All, I was wondering if anyone can help with a Flash problem? I have set up a button with an Action to go from n intro page to the index.htkl page on a site. I used:- on (release) { getURL("www.mysite/index.html"); } But I get the following message twice as I have an enter button and a Skip Intro button:- **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=enter, frame=500:Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances on (release) { **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=enter, frame=600:Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances on (release) { Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2 Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  6. Graeme

    Flash Button

    Hello All, Are there any tutorials on making a straight forward text Flash Button. I can setup the Up & Over but cannot seem to get the Hit and Action right. I've done a few in the past but can't seem to get right! Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  7. Thank you so much Benjamin, You answered my question brilliantly, I feel better now! Best wishes Graeme
  8. Hello again Benjamin, So would you say it is acceptable to use a template then add your own content? I'm just thinking how much of your own is it then? Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  9. OK here goes, The script allows you to click on a thumbnail and a larger image opens. http://greenhouseflorists.co.uk/weddings.html The code is something like this Where it says title=" "you can add a narrative to explain the image. It is great for the first image then the second images gets pushed to one side. Thank you Best wishes Graeme
  10. Hello all, I used a script from a popular free script web site but have a slight problem with a little part of what it should do. Can I ask for advice here or is that a no no as the script came from another site? Thank you. Best wishes Graeme
  11. Hello Benjamin, It's a great basic template that is coded well so I'm going to tweak it and add some more. It's just that I sort of thought should I do it from scratch, but having read your replies and the links you suggested I guess it's all OK. Is it common practice to use temlates or both? Thank you. Best wishes Graeme
  12. Thanks Benjamin, It is an ideal temlpate, just what I'm looking for and meets all the requirements you mention. I'll use it after some tweaking and obviously mention the original designer. It's just that I was thinking should I code it again from scratch. I understand how everything goes together and the layout butthought should I not be coding it. Best wishes Graeme
  13. Hello All, I was wondering if it is 'OK' to use temlpates? I found a design that matches just what I was trying to do but thought, hang on, I really didn't set it up. I looked at all the coding and I fully understand it, then tweaked it a little. Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  14. Hello Thelma, Thank you for your reply. It is only for tabular data really but one instance is for using a table to hold thumbnails for an image gallery although I could actuall just float them. Best wishes Graeme
  15. Hello All, I'm just trying out something new on a web site and I was wondering if it is still good to use Tables. Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  16. Hello, It is Windows XP on both computers. I think I might have forgotten to say it is a wirekess network. Thank you, Best wishes Graeme
  17. Hello All, I have just set up my PC's CD/DVD drive to share over our wireless network. How do I view it on one of the laptops connected to the network? Thank you. Best wishes Graeme
  18. Hello Again, It's OK now thanks. I wonder if it might be using the Cache when I checked before. Best wishes Graeme
  19. Hello, I used the code It is great in IE but not in FF. Best wishes Graeme
  20. Hello All, I was wondering if Firefox displays your favicon? I set one up and it is great in IE. Thank you. Best wishes Graeme
  21. Thank you MacRankin & Susie, Great help, I understand it all. The colours were from the lady who owns the shop. The Olive colour is the colour the shop is painted. I visited a paint company web site, searhced for 'Overtly Olive' and used a colour icker to get the right #hex code. Thanks again, Best wishes Graeme
  22. Thank you, I understand everything you said. It's great to learn so much. www.greenhouseflorists.co.uk hope I'm not being a pest. best wishes Graeme
  23. Thank you for that. Wherwe did the space /> come from? Is it another version? I now get ID "MENU-04" already defined. Contact Us and there is no attribute "BORDER". ? alt="" width="420" height="315" border="0"> Thank you Best wishes Graeme
  24. Hello All, Thanks for all your help with this. I used the HTML 4.01 Strict. I still get a few errors mainly with and nationally" />? The sequence can be interpreted in at least two different ways, depending on the DOCTYPE of the document. For HTML 4.01 Strict, the '/' terminates the tag '). Thank you Best wishes Graeme
  25. Thank you for the help. Should I change my Doctype to /p> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> on all pages? best wishes Graeme
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