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Posts posted by macksoneh

  1. Hi StudioWeb community.
    I've just completed four of the five StudioWeb foundations courses.
    They are;

    • PHP 7 Foundations 
    • HTML5 Foundations
    • PHP and MySQL 
    • Javascript Foundations.

    I'm skipping CSS3 for now.

    Among projects available in the StudioWeb Projects, which one do you recommend as the next step for someone who has just "graduated" from StudioWeb foundations courses?



  2. This post is about "Logged out user session due to inactivity."

    When I'm taking a lesson with StudioWeb, I often experiment with code in the code editor then get back on StudioWeb. The problem is that the session almost always times out. So I need to log back in then  click and click to get back to where I left out. I find it's quite destructive for a flow of learning.

    How can I change the session time out?




  3. Having taken a few lessons with HTML5 Foundations, I jumped to PHP7 Foundations. Then I completed watching all videos and taking all quizzes. So, I thought I completed the PHP7 Foundations course. But when I looked at my SCORING status, it still showed "Courses Complete:0".
    Is it an expected behavior? 




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