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Posts posted by kennethjaysone

  1. To be honest, I'm not completely sure. I've only used WAMP for local development, not as an actual server that people use to access a website/intranet. I'd talk to your IT team about it -- if they know their stuff, they should have an idea of what's best.


    Thank you..i guess i'm gonna shoot them an email like this:


    Hi IT Department,


    I would like a machine to serve up our newest portal that will run on Wordpress.


    We need it to be served by an Apache server, with MySQL and phpMyAdmin installed to manage the MySQL database.


    We also need PHP installed be cause we're serving up pages built with PHP






    Do you think i need to elaborate more or provide any additional helpful info?


    Please do advise me on what i can add on...


    Thank you everyone!

  2. I've convinced my company to run and manage their internal portal on wordpress.


    They've decided and commissioned me with the task of creating the theme.


    I have a question with regards to deploying the portal.


    They have told me install (Apache, MySQL and PHP) it on a PC and to ensure that all the pc's in the company can access the portal.


    The thing is i've always developed a wordpress website on my laptop (wampserver) and then uploaded it to a server e.g Media Temple.


    There is a dedicated IT department in the company. I would like your guidance on what exactly do i have to ask them to install on that PC.


    Do i tell them to install Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin?


    Or do i just tell them to install WAMPserver ;)


    That pc should serve the pages to the portal visitors..


    Any advise is greatly appreciated.


    Thanks a zillion!



  3. I have a question, i always get this wrong but thankfully i've backed up my database and i manage to get things fixed locally.


    I've developed a site locally, and i'm going to explain what i've done in the process of taking the site live. Please correct my mistakes.


    Wordpress Version 2.7


    1) I downloaded this version and extracted the file (it is on my desktop)


    2) Using my webhost's panels, i create a database with the same name as the database that's on my local machine


    3) The open the wp-config-sample.php file and rename it to wp_config.php and i make changes to


    a) define('DB_NAME', 'dbname');

    B) define('DB_USER', 'username');

    c) define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');

    d) define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); (Not sure if i should change this since this is going to go live)


    4) Using my webhost's panels, i go into phpMyadmin and import the database that i backed up (since it contains all the posts, pages i created when it was developed locally)


    5) I upload the files (Wordpress Files) which i had on my desktop (with the wp_config.php edited)


    6) I go to www.url.com/wp-admin/install.php and i get an error saying wordpress has already been installed


    8) So i go to www.url.com/wp-admin/ and i login (thankfully, i can login)


    7) This is where things go wrong. I can go to the home page via www.url.com but all the other pages point to localhost


    What do i have to do to rectify this?

  4. I'm building a wordpress theme for my website. I notice that in the dashboard's reading options, my front page displays my latests post which is exactly what i want. I want that to be my homepage. How do i offer my wordpress website users the option to go to the homepage?


    I'm asking this because this is the template tag that i used to list my pages:



              <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>



    Now after adding this, i notice that i have an About page. I want to create a page called Home (and make it my front page that displays my latests posts).

    How do i do that? I know how to create pages but how do i make that the page that opens up when people go to the url and how do i make that homepage display the latests posts?


    Thank you all for reading this.





    Wordpress 2.7 allows you to use the wp_page_menu template tag that allows you to insert a Home link as your homepage and that page will display all your latest posts. This is a new template tag that only works with wordpress version 2.7. You may have to set it like this:


    <?php wp_page_menu('show_home=1'); ?>


    to display the homepage. Using <?php wp_page_menu(); ?> alone won't display a Home link. This template tag beats having to use wp_list_pages() and using plugins with it.


    For more info on wp_page_menu() visit the link below




    Hope this helps,:)


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