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  1. The site is located at: https://theord.com I am using my own theme I developed. I am using comic-easel plugin to display comics. The Goal Home page - display comic. <== works Display title on home page (specifically on the 2nd navbar on Home page) - I have created a page called page-home and using it as the static home page inside of settings, I did this to display the title and it is working, except it doesn't display the title of the comic post, but instead displays the title of "Home" - however, when I go to single page it does display the title. I have tried, <?php single_post_title(); ?>, <?php the_title(); ?> <=== kinda working, but not on home page as I would like. Next to the title I would also like to add the date next to title, however, it acts the same as mentioned in #2, it uses the title of the page not the comic. I think if I can resolve one the other will also follow suite. I want a description and also comments for the comics available. <== not working or showing up at all
  2. tmoflash


    In the Javascript language everything is case sensitive and also camel case must also be used. why is "onclick" not using camel case? The other thing I do not understand is reading from top to bottom. I understand that the browser reads JS from top to bottom and if an item is declared after the JS script it will not be recognized. However, in this piece of code why did it skip over end not trigger. My guess is when the browser read the script and put into memory it knew that it was false based on the Boolean value? if(notRunning) { animation = setInterval(discoSquare, 100); notRunning = false; } else { alert("Sorry, already running.") }
  3. It looks like to me there are 2 answers. This is the correct answer: http://prntscr.com/itv7z3 However, from what I can tell is, this is also the right answer: http://prntscr.com/itv8kb . Because it is missing the semicolon Creating an array: cars = ["Audi", "Ford", "Jeep"];
  4. Hello, I am not 100% sure about this, so apologies in advance if I am. However, as I am groing theough the JavaScript training course - Ch8 Arrays, objects and arrays pt. 4 - Q1. It is asking to find the "false statement" about arrays. If you look at this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/ir5wzj Creating an array: var cars = ["Audi", "Ford", "Jeep"] <== this is not the "correct answer" however, it is missing the semicolon at the end of the statement, which made me think it was the correct or incorrect answer in this case.
  5. For the life of me I cannot figure out the "happy medium here" My footer isn't complying to what I need. I am using my own page template for my pages. located @ https://21divine.com/contact Here is a screenshot http://prntscr.com/iljil4 This is what it looks like when I add #footer { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; } I add this div around the <div id="footer"><?php get_footer(); ?></div> This is what it looks like on the "About" Page https://21divine.com/about/ http://prntscr.com/iljlwp However, when I remove <div id="footer"><?php get_footer(); ?></div> The contact page looks like: http://prntscr.com/iljmju But the About page looks like: http://prntscr.com/iljmyk wordpress footer shareeditdeleteflag
  6. Hello, I wanted to both introduce myself and also ask a question. I am in the middle of learning the web core and specifically CSS. I am in the google fonts section and something occurred to me. How does one go about staying on top of and keep up to date with the latest technologies as for example I use to design/develop web sites and I moved away from it. I am trying to get back into the swing of things and in my previous experience I was limited to only the 7 safe web-fonts. I understand completely that it is impossible to keep up with everything based on how fast it changes and the browsers will not be in current release across the board until they all update and take on that standard that is being released. What I am getting at though, as I am sure you all run into is that you get into your bubble and start working/designing and pumping out work that you may not pay attention real close to how things work now - like the example of Google Fonts. I was aware of this prior to the training, but this is a huge breakthrough imo when it became available because it is a way to broaden the design options. Thanks, tmo
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