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Posts posted by mgreer58

  1. Ok, then.

    It took me half an hour to type, and two hours to debug.  Sound about right?

    No, really, it took me three or four times, watching Beginner's CSS Tutorial, and pausing to look at the code in the video, to get this right.  And, I modified it a bit, to do what I consider, some improving touches, margins, etc.

    In your code, displayed for this section in the video, you never end the <div id="fixed"> with a </div>, before you start the <div id="floater"> tag.  At first, I thought, maybe it is possible to contain one <div> within another?  It must be, because you finally, just before </body> have another </div> element.

    Typing out this code, is something I should have done before.  Now, I feel, I really have a better handle on floats.



    P.S.  Something about the </div> at the very last, is still a bit wonky.  The "burger fries dogs cats" menu, at the last, are floated, so, presumably, they're still included in the <div id=floater> element.


  2. Stef,

    In reality.  Instead of whining about it, I should put my big boy pants on, and just write my own code to duplicate the web page you show for this lesson.  LOL!

    I will do that later tonight, and share my code with you.  It'll be good for me.

    After taking your course, reviewing it a few times, and even doing most of the w3schools tutorial, I should be more than adequately equipped.



    P.S.  It's even more embarrassing.  You display all of the code in your video.  All I have to do is type it up.  Ooph!


  3. Yeah, Stef, thanks.   I know what you mean.  But, I looked both before and after Sections 6.5 and 6.6.  

    There is no html content (code) for Lesson 6.5.  In the video of the course, you show a web page, with and <h1> content of: Display: none, visibility and floats.

    I just looked at all of the code for chapter 6.

    Lesson 6.4, the <h1> content displays: "Display - block vs. inline".

    No html code for Lesson 6.5.

    Lessons 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 the <h1> content displays: "Position: static - fixed -relative.

    Lesson 6.9, again, no html code.

    BTW, I'm enjoying your Introduction to Python course.  I thought it would be streaming content, as the Web Development course is, and, frankly, I was a little disappointed that it isn't, but, still, lots to learn.  But, where are the Quizzed, or, the Q & A?  I see others have asked about it.  

    My email is mjgreer0514@gmail.com.




  4. I've posted about this before, and, at the time, I realize that Stef was too busy to look into it.  But, I'm reviewing the material now, and find it a bit annoying.

    The Beginners CSS 2015 course is missing the HTML code for Lessons 6.5 and 6.6.  

    This is pretty important material, as it covers well the use of float, toClear, visibility and several other aspects of CSS coding necessary to bring a web page up to the modern standards.

    I would hope, that this matter can be looked into, since not having the code to this material is denying a big chunk of the concepts necessary in designing web pages.



  5. Hi Stef,

    I finally got around to ordering the Beginner's Python 3 Course.  I wanted to review all of your Web Developer course first, but, I'm just too itchy.  I hope, and am pretty sure, that your Python course will be as good as your Web Development course.

    Thanks for your courses, and all you share in your videos.

    Time to buckle down.  Two hours of coding/day.


  6. Oh, I just wanted to paste a link to this, I didn't mean to open this video.  Now, I can't figure out how to delete it.

    I'm posting this, because it's funny.  For a video that is supposed to be trashing PHP, I hear about 50% of it, really listing all of the benefits of PHP.

  7. Has anyone tried Visual Studio Code as an editor?

    I've downloaded it, and tried it programming some C++. 

    As a code editor, it appears fantastic.  I forget the name of the autofill  technology that allows it to do this, but, basically, you start typing HTML code, and it slams a basic HTML document, with all the basic tags on your page for you.  It isn't totally flexible, as far as customizing color and size of text, at least I haven't figured that out yet, but, it has a lot of themes that you can download as extensions.

    It is also supposed to have the capability of executing and debugging code, but, it isn't that easy.  You have to edit a few .json files to get this functionality.




  8. I'm posting this in ecstacy!

    I'm using my Raspberry Pi as my Web server instead of loading MAMP on my desktop.

    I wasn't sure, where in the Linux file system to place htdocs, so I Googled and found out that you place it the same place you place your web pages in /var/www/html.

    So, now, to view my php pages, i just open Chrome and in the address bar type

    It works like a charm.


  9. I did manage to figure out a couple of things about float.  It helped to just push on with the course.

    I hit a bit of a wall at the beginning of Chapter 7 of the course.  The pace picked up a bit.  I reviewed all the previous material and rearranged it into a more logical order.  Not a criticism.  I realize that a teaching order, and a reference order, are two different animals.  I just rearranged my notes on the material in more of a reference manner.  Oh, and, I also ordered your book☺️.  I hope you don't mind, I ordered a used copy🙄.

    Today, I'm drinking water from a fire hose.  I watched a couple of videos on how to set up my Raspberry Pi as a web server.  I currently have a web server now at home, albeit, not accessible by anyone outside of my home network.  At least now, I have a place to start building my website.

    I'm just about finished with your CSS course.  A lot of material, but, laid out in a very entertaining manner.



  10. I looked for it again tonight, to see if the page may have been included either in a lesson before or after.  The webpage has an h1 of "Display none, visibility and floats".  I can't find it anywhere, and, really would like to see it, because of its float demonstration.



  11. Stefan,

    I was reviewing Lesson 6, and wanted to look at the styling code for the float example.  Particularly, I wanted to see why the floating div was under a particular line, but, it appears that this code was not in the download for CSS.



  12. Stef,

    I really wish you had a training video on C++.  I took a semester of C++ in college, back in 1998.  It has some great concepts.  Almost all of the modern languages incorporate its concepts, even Visual Basic.  I can see real advantages of Object Oriented Programming vs. procedural programming.

    But, as I try and learn it again, getting even deeper into concepts that I thought I knew 20 years ago, I have a lot of times when I get stuck, and spin my wheels for a while.  About half of the time it's syntax errors on my part, I just caught one tonight, and half the time it's fighting with the IDE.  I'm using Code::Blocks IDE, and, the concept of having to start a project every time I just want to code is a real pain.

    I thought I had a go to guy for times when I get into a rut, but, come to find out, he's a C programmer and doesn't use the IDE that I do.

    Like you say, once you learn the fundamentals of one programming language, it usually shares so much in common, at its core, with all the other languages, functions, loops, selection, declaring variables, samo-samo.

    If you know of a good, helpful, C++ programmer, please let me know.



  13. Hmmm.

    As I wrote in my next to the last line, I saved it as an .html file, but, it didn't help.  I will try it again though.


    No, I tried it again, just now.   It doesn't even give me the closing tag for <head> nor <title>.  I guess I'm gonna have to read some documentation.  In the meantime, I'll try Sublime Text 2, which I just finished downloading.



  14. I went to the Sublime Text webpage today, and downloaded the current version of Sublime Text, Sublime Text 3.

    It doesn't auto-complete anything for me, and, I don't see an option to open my code in a browser.

    Undoubtedly, it's a preference setting I'm missing, but, I've search there, and, unless it is an extremely complicated setting, I don't see it.

    I tried saving my code as html, but, that doesn't seem to help.

    I've been using Code Writer.  It auto-completes by opening a closing tag for me, but, it doesn't have an option to open my code in a browser window.



  15. I went to the Sublime Text webpage today, and downloaded the current version of Sublime Text, Sublime Text 3.

    It doesn't auto-complete anything for me, and, I don't see an option to open my code in a browser.

    Undoubtedly, it's a preference setting I'm missing, but, I've search there, and, unless it is an extremely complicated setting, I don't see it.

    I tried saving my code as html, but, that doesn't seem to help.

    I've been using Code Writer.  It auto-completes by opening a closing tag for me, but, it doesn't have an option to open my code in a browser window.



  16. In a very general sense, it answers my question.  It's obvious to me how the browser knows how to distinguish the three types of code, my question has more to do with the inner workings of browsers.

    Maybe I'm overthinking, unnecessarily, the issue.

    It seems to me, that in order for the browser to implement all three separate web page design languages, it has to act as a compiler that can compile three different computer languages.   Well, I guess part of the answer is that it's not a compiler, it's an interpreter.  And, I've actually read of scripting another programming language to perform functions from inside another programming languages code.  For example, scripting Python inside C++ code.

    I'm rambling at this point, but, I was just curious about browsers conceptually.  It seems to me, that they must be updated and patched every time another code is developed to program web pages.


  17. I'm a fair way into the HTML 2015 course, and, maybe you will answer the question later on in the course, but, how does the browser know how to implement the different web page design languages, such as HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP?

    I was amazed that you can just type a CSS keyword "style" into an HTML 5 webpage script, and the browser automatically implements it.

    I'm old enough to know that I don't have to know all the gory details of how something works, in order to use and enjoy that it does, but, still, the "need to nerd" in me, would like to know.

    My guess is that browsers need to be updated for the latest and greatest web design languages as they are created?


  18. Hi everyone,

    I'm Mike.  I tried to post a reply yesterday, but I kept getting an error saying that I was forbidden to post.

    Anyway, I'm a retired electronic/telecommunications technician, who has always, as Stef would put it so aptly, a need to nerd.  I got into programming before computers were even out, around 1978/1979.  Someone offered to sell me a programmable calculator, a TI-56.  I had no idea, at the time what a programmable calculator was, but, once I caught onto it.  My first computer was a VIC-20, and, I programmed that, saving my programs to audio tape.

    I got away from electronics for a few years, until my last job sent me a Raspberry Pi to upgrade a Bose audio unit.  I started reading up on the Raspberry Pi and it got me interested in electronics/programming once again.  And, Stef's videos have inspired me to put more effort into reading up on programming and coding.  For the last four weeks, I've spent at least four hours a day either reading or coding.

    I'm well into Stef's HTML 2015 course.  Once I've completed my Linux material, my C++ material and my GTK+ coding, I'll have more time to complete Stef's course.

    Stef, I know you like to close out your videos saying, "I hope this helps."  Believe me, anyone who shares as much as you have helps everyone.  Good work.


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