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Everything posted by Wickham

  1. At the moment you have the font color the same as the background-color so the text will not be readable. Do you want it a different color all the time or just on the normal link state, with the hover and visited states the same as before? You have added an id into the markup:- RED HOT OFFER: STAY A MINIMUM OF 7 NIGHTS & RECEIVE TWO FREE GOLD CLASS MOVIE TICKETS and CSS #specialLink { color: #FF0000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #FF0000; } which did work in my test with only a little of your code but it may also need the id of the containing div if there is one, like:- #nav #specialLink { color: #FF0000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #FF0000; } (Note space between #nav and #specialLink) and/or it may need to be on the "a" link states like:- #nav a#specialLink { color: #FF0000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #FF0000; } (Note no space between a and #specialLink) I can't be sure without all your code to test. As a last resort, put in a span tag:- RED HOT OFFER: STAY A MINIMUM OF 7 NIGHTS & RECEIVE TWO FREE GOLD CLASS MOVIE TICKETS with this style:- .red { color: red; }
  2. Yes, although "name" is supposed to be deprecated and replaced by "id", that doesn't apply to iframes which still use "name="...".
  3. I did it a few years ago, but I disabled it eventually. I looked in the Windows folders for all the sounds and picked .wav files from there. For other mouseovers I created a short messages on my sound recorder. The method uses javascript. I had mouseover and mouseout images but they aren't part of the sound code. Only the title="jakarta" is used by the javascript to play the sound. Jakarta - my leaving party and similarly for the other buttons with different titles and .wav files. SCmediaPath=""; SCmediaDelay=300; SCmediaSetup( "Clifton", "../sounds/im.wav", "Jakarta", "../sounds/jakarta.wav", "Falklands", "../sounds/falklands.wav", "Basketmakers", "../sounds/type.wav" ); The javascript file playmedia.js is:- /* * (C)2006 Stephen Chalmers * * This notice must not be removed * * Plays media files on hover to provide gratuitous * sound effects or talking tooltips. * */ /*** These instructions may be removed *** Installation and Configuration ============================== SAVE THIS TEXT/DOCUMENT AS: playmedia.js All the links that will play media files must be given a 'title' attribute, e.g. Contents There is no need to insert 'onmouseover' parameters to the links. At any point in the HTML file /below/ the last link, insert the following code. Note: If playmedia.js is located in a different folder, specify a relative path. <br /><br />SCmediaPath="";<br />SCmediaDelay=300;<br /><br />SCmediaSetup( "title1", "file1.wav", <br /> "title2", "file2.wav",<br /> ........ );<br /><br /> The parameters passed to SCmediaSetup() above must be substituted with your own, as explained below. Example. You have three links whose titles are: "Products", "Ordering", and "Site Map" and you want to assign them the sound files: 'newprod.wav', 'ordering.wav', and 'map.wav' respectively. SCmediaSetup( "new products", "newprod.wav", "ordering", "ordering.wav", "site map", "map.wav" ); Notes ===== Not all the links in the document need be involved in playing sounds. Title / Filename parameter pairs need not be passed in the order in which the links appear in the document. The title specified for each link need not be its full title, a unique substring is sufficient, provided that it does not appear within the title of a different link. Thus the example above could have been written: SCmediaSetup( "new p", "newprod.wav", "ord", "ordering.wav", "map", "map.wav" ); This feature makes it very easy to configure all links to play the same file (if you must), by specifying a single character common to the titles of all the links. For instance, if all link titles end with a period (.), the following statement makes all links play 'blip.wav': SCmediaSetup( ".", "blip.wav"); Paths ===== If the sound files are located all together in a different folder, specify a /relative/ path in the SCmediaPath variable, otherwise leave it unchanged. For example, if the files are in a parallel folder called 'media', specify: SCmediaPath="../media/"; Alternatively, paths may be specified as a part of each filename parameter. Timeout ======= To prevent premature triggering, there is a default timeout of 400 milliseconds between mouseover and the instruction to play a file. The overall delay is dependent upon the particular plugin used. If the mouse cursor is removed before the timeout expires, the file is not played. Mute ==== To allow users to disable sound, place the following link anywhere in your HTML. Sound Mute Additionally, one could assign the link a title and have it play a wav file that says 'mute'. Operation ========= No media elements are created on startup, therefore when a link is hovered for the first time, there may be a short delay while the media plugin loads. This can be obviated by including a hidden embed tag like: , however loading of the document will be commensurately delayed. If a media-playing link loads a new document in the current frame/ window, and the link is clicked immediately, there may not be time to play the file entirely or at all, as the script will be dismissed when the new page loads. This script is not coded to work in conjunction with other mouseover scripts operating on the same links. ******** DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ************/ function SCmediaPlay(soundFile) { this.soundFile=soundFile; this.objRef=null; this.canPlay=true; this.tm=null; this.buffer=null; this.preLoad(); } SCmediaPlay.prototype.playSound=function() { if(this.canPlay) { if(this.objRef!=null) { document.body.removeChild(this.objRef); this.objRef=null; } if( (this.objRef=document.createElement('embed'))==null ) window.status="ERROR - Element not created: ["+(typeof this.objRef)+"]"; else { this.objRef.setAttribute("width","0"); this.objRef.setAttribute("height","0"); this.objRef.setAttribute("hidden","true"); this.objRef.setAttribute("src", this.soundFile); document.body.appendChild(this.objRef); } } } SCmediaPlay.prototype.preLoad=function() { this.buffer=new Image().src=this.soundFile; } String.prototype.contains=function(substr) { return new RegExp(substr,"i").test(this); } var SCmediaPath="", SCobjTable=[]; function SCmediaSetup() { if(document.body && document.body.appendChild) { for(var i=0; i for(var j=0, ll=document.links.length; j if( document.links[j].title.contains( arguments[i] ) ) { var idx = SCobjTable.length SCobjTable[ idx ] = new SCmediaPlay( SCmediaPath+arguments[ i+1 ] ) document.links[ j ].onmouseover=new Function("SCobjTable["+idx+ "].tm=setTimeout('SCobjTable["+idx+"].playSound()', 300)"); document.links[ j ].onmouseout=new Function("clearTimeout(SCobjTable["+ idx+"].tm);if(SCobjTable["+idx+"].objRef){document.body.removeChild(SCobjTable["+ idx+"].objRef);SCobjTable["+idx+"].objRef=null;}") ; } } } function toggleMediaPlay() { for(var i=0; i SCobjTable[i].canPlay^=true; } Edit: I did find that because I was using several sound files, they were a bit slow to operate and some preloading code would be advisable. If you click on a link too quickly the sound may not play at first until you click again but preloading should solve this, or it may be alright if you only have one sound file with very low KB size.
  4. That's an interesting question. I presume Google can only look at the page AFTER the server has processed the "include" file, so by the time Google looks at the page, the navbar, header, footer or whatever was in the include file is actually in the finished page.
  5. Google Suckerfish for javascript drop down menus or you can do them with pure CSS from http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/
  6. Yes, the principle of a clickable background-image was working but there was a knock-on effect on adajacent divs. I've fixed that now by adding position: relative to #top and changing the top position of #toppictures {top: -145px; /*0px;*/ }
  7. Edoplaza and Ben! Look at this and click the logo:- http://www.wickham43.com/forumposts/edosdaconsultores090807.html and the CSS file: http://www.wickham43.com/forumposts/edomain090807.css look at the two classes bglink1 and bglink2 which have been inserted into the html markup. It's a bit complicated but basically it makes the "a" tag display: block and then moves the link text off-screen to the left so you can't see it.
  8. You can use a root-relative link, which means that whatever page a link is on, in however many sub-directories down from the root directory, the link will always go back to the root directory. It does mean that you have to put your css or include files in the root directory instead of a css or includes sub-directory, but that may not matter. http://www.motive.co.nz/glossary/linking.php#root
  9. It's certainly important to code a subject for the email that you will recognise, so you know it's not spam, especially if the email is sent from a form input with someone's email address that you won't recognise, but of course if it's a confirmation from your own mail address then you should definitely recognise that!
  10. You can show the data on a webpage; set up a webpage filename that no one else can access, possibly with a login only known to you. http://www.wickham43.net/formphptomysql.php You should be able to code it so that only the recent data entries show, either the last 50 or only from the same date. I haven't done that with my example above. Edit: each time you refresh the page it will include any new entries.
  11. You can certainly send form data to a database and also send it to your email. Near the end of the php code you need something like $result=MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO your-table-name (id,title,message,who,email, date,time)". "VALUES ('NULL', '$title', '$message', '$who', '$email', '$date', '$time')")or die ( " Unable to select table ");mysql_close(); and also something like mail( $admin, "Feedback: $subject", "$name\n$message\n$component $size\n$delivery\n$confirmation", "From: $name " ); (I've copied from two different forms above so the fields are different). You can export a database to Excel which may be the best way for you.
  12. Bullets can be outside (default) or inside; see item 5 which may help explain it:- http://www.wickham43.net/lists.php
  13. If you have a page with a fixed width then you can use the float: left; I suggested and put a margin-left in the first link to move it along so that the whole menu is centered (only if your page has a fixed width). ul#list-nav li{ float: left; /*display: inline-block;*/ list-style-type:none; } ul#list-nav_pri li#first { margin-left: 200px; } markup:- Home News About Music Tour Dates Fan Club Genres Media Shop Login I had this problem only yesterday on another forum and it worked because the nav bar was contained within a fixed width.
  14. I noticed that the background-image templatemo_content_bg.jpg for #maincontainer isn't showing in Firefox so the middle of the page is dark red instead of light gray. You have a lot of floated divs which Firefox is not dragging down the background for, so you have to put a div with no float, no height and invisible just before the closing tag to make Firefox drag the background down to cover it:- .................... ...................... I've shown an inline style but you can make it a class in the stylesheet instead. I can't see the problem with the right column, perhaps my resolution isn't large enough. Since #maincontainer is 900px wide and my resolution is 1024px wide, I can see that the div centers without a problem and I can't understand why it should be different in a larger resolution, it should stay the same width with bigger side spaces. It could be because of a different browser, not the resolution. Dropping down is usually a result of not having enough width for both columns, IE6 is very bad about this. Experiment by reducing the width on one column.
  15. You often mention Dreamweaver, is that the default browser being opened by WampServer? I think that could be causing a problem. If so I suggest that you download Firefox, close Dreamweaver, reinstal WampServer and when you get the option to choose a default browser (just for WampServer's use), choose Firefox. Don't open Dreamweaver before or during using WampServer.
  16. Try float: left; instead of display: inline:- ul#list-nav li{ float: left; /*display: inline-block;*/ list-style-type:none; }
  17. Try double quotes for all of them as Virtual's post didn't say which is preferred.
  18. You must be very nearly succeeding; I said http://localhost/your-sub-folder/filename.php but you used http://localhost/C:/wamp/www/new/index1.php but it should be http://localhost/new/index1.php provided that you are using the browser which opened using WampServer and localhost.
  19. If the index doesn't show, you should be able to open a file manually. Get the browser open showing http://localhost,'>http://localhost, then open windows explorer and look in C:\wamp\www for the file that you want, make a note of the filename and type it after http://localhost like http://localhost/filename.php and it should open, or http://localhost/your-sub-folder/filename.php if you have created a sub-folder in www.
  20. You will never get such simple code to work properly in all browsers and hide the sub-level drop down. Use the code from one of many CSSplay menus like this one and edit it to what you want:- http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/drop_definition4.html
  21. How can I check the winamp default browser? That's easy. If you follow the advice in my post 12 "Click the icon on your desktop and you should see a small semi-circular icon appear in the system tray. Left-click the icon and click the top item which either says Localhost or and it should open the browser that you chose as the default." When the browser is open you can see which it is. The www/ I'm referring to is a folder within this site's structure, not the www in winamp. If you have created another folder called www somewhere else, then you have confused yourself. There should only be one folder called www and that should be inside a folder called wamp inside C: Use Windows Explorer to check that it's still there as it's this www folder that you need to put your .php files inside (possibly after creating your own folder inside www) and then access them through WampServer using Your Projects from the WampServer Server configuration page which should be the first to show when you open the browser by clicking localhost in the system tray icon.
  22. Then opened Localhost, this should open the browser you chose as a your default browser when installing WampServer and it should show http://localhost in the address bar. clicked on the site name in Your Projects, this brings up the basic folder structure where all the 'operational stuff' is in the www folder. clicking on a folder name under Your Projects should open a new page in the browser headed Index of /test (where test is one of my folders in www directory) wit a list of files below in blue. If you click on a filename with a .php extension in the list it should open it in the browser with http://localhost/test/order.php where order.php is one of my files in the test directory. Click on the www folder and it opens the Home page live on the web - not in Localhost. I don't get that result. I don't even see the www directory under Your Projects or in the Index of /test that appears in the browser window.
  23. You can't see it in action, that's the whole reason for it! The PHP or SHTML code is processed by the server before you download the page, so you only see the finished result. I can show you the code here:- At the bottom of every page in one of my sites I have this just before the
  24. I've looked at your trial.html page in IE6 and couldn't see a problem so I looked at your first link to the full homepage and could see that the right column had dropped below the left. I tested on IE6 and found that editing the #right margin-right to 7px instead of 8px solved the problem. I tried 4px and gradually increased until it failed at 8px, so I went down one to 7px. Since other browsers are OK, put this conditional comment after the last stylesheet link and just before the closing tag:- lt ie 7 means less than IE7. The reason it's only 1px difference is that IE6 only has the double margin bug with float: left combined with margin-left, not with the right side. See http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html and you have margin-left: 3px for #left which has float: left but there was 2px space 887px to 889px so only 1px of the 3px margin was causing the problem, not the margin-right on the right side.
  25. I've only had a quick look and haven't tested anything. Your #page div id 889px wide. Your #left div is 200 + 3 + 1 = 204px wide Your #right div is 675 + 8 = 683px Total 887px which is OK for IE7 and Firefox where I looked and found no problem, but I guess that there is a problem in IE6. This is because IE6 doubles side margins which are on the same side as a float an dyou have float: left; and margin-left in #left and float: right; and margin-right in #right so reduce the div widths or margins until IE6 works, then put the different styles in a conditional comment just for IE6 and leave the original sizes as they were for other browsers. I suggest that you reduce the margin-right for #right to 0 just for the test. If you reduce the div widths there might not be enough width for the divs inside. There may be other problems, but look at the above first.
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